Part 9

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A cool breeze wakes you up. Finding yourself in what you guessed was a hospital bed. The back of your head was still pounding. As you look around your room you find that you're attached to various machines, bleeping away. There's no clock on the wall so you're unable to tell what the time is, but judging by the sunlight peeking through the curtains, it must be the following day. Moving your head as slow as possible, so not to cause any more pain than you already were in, you watch the door open. In comes an older man in uniform, buzz cut with a stern face. The other was a female that you recognised from the party. Long dark hair with a kind face.

"(l/N), how are you feeling" asks the man

"I've felt better" you reply. You wait as the man looks through some papers.

"The name's Commander Magath, and this here is Pieck, a member of the warrior unit."

You look over to Pieck as she waves at you. Why is a commander here? 

"I'm here to ask if you know who was responsible for your attack? As you are an employee for the military here, we need to establish whether this was a personal attack on yourself, or as an act of terrorism"


"With that said, we strongly advise that you now remain here until we know more of the situation. Your home is not a safe place to stay in the current state it's in." 

"T-thank you..."

"You are on leave now until I deem it necessary for you to return to your duties. Of course we will continue to pay your salary".

Your mind feels like its going haywire. What do you say? You have no idea who decided to gas your apartment, although Porco seemed to think he knew who it was. Surely Eren wouldn't do such a thing?

"I'm sorry, I don't know who it could've been. Nothing has ever happened to me like this before" you look away feeling stupid for not being able to help. You just wish the pain in your head would go away.

"Well, if you do remember anything you let me know. Now get some rest". With that they both leave the room. Letting out a sigh you close your eyes and try to sleep. Drowning out the noise of the machines.


When you open open your eyes again you can voices outside your door. Angry  voices. You try to sit up to try and hear the conversation.

"She's not some kind of guinea pig that they can just use whenever they want!"

"You need to calm down before the brass hears us!"

"I don't give a shit!"

"Look, they said she's going to be fine. There's been no sign of side effects"

"That's no excuse!"

"Can you three please keep it down! There's sick people here!"

You quickly shut your eyes as you hear your door being opened followed by a rustling sound. Pretending you just woke up you see a nurse stood at the side of your bed.

"How are you doing?" she asks

"Just feel really sleepy, other than that I'm fine.

The nurse smiles as she starts filling up a syringe with clear liquid.

"What's that for?" you ask, feeling slightly worried

The nurse starts to inject the substance into the bag which you assume is fluids. 

"It's just the treatment for your lungs. You inhaled quite a lot. The doctor says it will help your lungs to heal quicker." 

The knock on the door startles both the nurse and yourself. As the door opens you see Marcel enter the room. He smiles as he sees you and approaches. The nurse looks at you both before nodding and leaving the room. Once the door was shut Marcel crouches at the side of your bed and takes hold of your hand. His hands are so warm! 

"I'm happy to see you awake" he smiles "how are you feeling?"

"How long have I been out for?" you ask.

"It's been a couple of days. We've all been so worried about you!". He brings your hand up to his lips. You feel your heart start to flutter as he plants a kiss onto the back of your hand. Startled, all you can do is stare into Marcel's eyes. What's he doing? 

You can't help but think of his brother. The one who came to your mind first when you were scared. When you didn't know what to do. The one person that you felt you were getting closer to. You just couldn't help but think about him. You had never seen him so angry when you had awoken outside your apartment.

"Where's Porco?"

Marcel tightens his grip on your hand. With a gentle sigh, his eyes meet yours. "Porco's fine. He's just a little worked up. He believes this is all Eren's fault".

"Really? Why would he go as far as blowing my apartment up". It couldn't be Eren surely? You had only fallen out over where you were from. Porco saw to it that he learnt his lesson for hurting you. 

"It's true Eren can be stubborn and his emotions get the better of him. But what happened to you, I can't imagine it's something Eren would do." 

Marcel stands up and stretches, holding back a yawn.  "I better get going. I heard they're going to let you out of here tomorrow. I'll try and come by to say hi"

Just as he opens the door, he pauses for a moment. His eyes staring at the ground as though he was deep in thought. "I'll get Porco to stop by"

"Thank you Marcel"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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