Part 4

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Things are going really well! Managed to get drunk, fall into a bush and wake up in my office somehow.

You were texting your friend Ina, after spending a few days ignoring her nagging messages. She was only concerned for you. Not like she could talk, she was just as bad as you. Although you were a light drinker. It only took a couple of drinks to tip you over the edge. 

Ina- I told you to be careful! Who took you back???

Y/n- Apparently it was the gorgeous Galliard brothers. I haven't seen them since. They're away on a mission, so i'll speak to them once they're back. 

Ina- OMG! I told you to stay away from those type of people. Anyway, do tell me more about these brothers! How many are there?

Y/n - Haha, there's only two of them! They look very similar, although one is certainly more friendlier than the other! I have no plans of finding me a man anyway, so don't worry!

Ina- Well, fill me in on all the details once you know! xx

The sun was shining, another lovely day. Today was a free day and you wanted to enjoy the sun whilst you could. Wearing a pair of light blue denim shorts and a plain strappy top, you left your apartment. Really you should be tidying your apartment. Having given up on unpacking the rest of the boxes, your apartment was a mess. An 'organised' mess you liked to tell yourself.

There was lots of people everywhere, busier than you had ever seen since you had arrived here. Sitting down at a vacant table after ordering a cold drink, you lean back and just take in your surroundings. There were little market stalls set up around the plaza and the food smelt delicious! Children were running around, some of them holding on to various coloured balloons. 

Some time passed until you could hear what sounded like a marching band in the distance. Children were getting excited and the crowds of people started lining the plaza.  You decide to stay where you were seated as it looked like whatever that was going to pass through, you had the best view for. Before long the sounds of the band got louder until you could see them. It was some sort of military parade. Row upon row of soldiers, carrying their rifles. The uniform being stone coloured long trench coats, long military boots. You couldn't but try to imagine that all these soldiers are based at your place of work. 

You then spot a couple of carriages being pulled by horses. In back of the first carriage sat Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and Marcel. The other had Porco, Colt and the two people that you saw Porco talking to at Connie's party. You wave, trying to get their attention. Porco turns his head round towards you, but it looked like he didn't see you.  "Our military is a sight to behold!" you hear someone say at the table next to yours. "Yes, now that we have the new technology in our hands, no one will dare attack us!".

New technology? Bombs? Missiles? you ponder to yourself. You certainly were no expert at that kind of stuff that you dismiss the thought out of your head. Once the soldiers had passed through the plaza you decide to go for a wander. Looking at all the different stalls. It was too hot to be eating the food that was being sold, so you take a look a jewellery stall. Obviously it was all beautifully hand made items like necklaces, rings, bracelets. You spot a silver chained necklace with a bright blue colour crystal. It was stunning. Shame you didn't bring enough money to buy it, you carefully put it back on the display. Suddenly you feel yourself getting pulled away from the stall. A hand tightly gripping your upper arm that it hurt.

"Come with me". It was Eren and he didn't look happy. He pulls you into a alley and pushes you at the wall. "Ouch, that hurts. What's wrong?" you ask, rubbing your arm. That was going to bruise in the morning. Eren turns his stare towards you, his eyes looking like they'd shoot lasers at you any moment. "What are you?" he growls. His eyes unblinking. 

"What do you mean? What's wrong Eren?" He then punches the wall next to your face, making you flinch. "Don't make me ask you again! I know you're not from around here. At least tell me where you're from". What is he going on about? Fearing what Eren will do next you tell him "I'm from the Isle Of Paradise. Why? Is that a problem?" you snap back at him. His eyes grow bigger, before turning into a frown "How the hell did you get here?" you feel the panic rising in you, your hands begin to get clammy "How else would I get here, I sailed over just like any other person!". Eren then grabs hold of your face, his fingertips digging into your cheeks. Your eyes begin to water from the pain "you better go back to where you came from" he hisses " you're not welcome here." He removes his hand, pushing your face away. 

You now begin to feel angry, clenching your fists together you snap back at Eren "I'll do whatever I want! I don't know what your problem is with me, but I'm not going anywhere!" Before you realise, Eren punches you. Falling to the floor you see the spots of blood dripping to the floor from your nose. As you try to look up, you feel a kick to your stomach. Pain surges through you, and your feel your strength fading.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" smack!

You try to look up, as you see Porco punch Eren in the face. "Hey, (y/n), it's alright, we're here now." An arm gently wraps around your waist as you look round to see Marcel kneeling next to you. You try to smile but the pain is too much. Porco also kneels down beside you, his eyes staring into yours "Eren's gone now. You're safe". Both Porco and Marcel help you to get up. Both of their arms around you. "Thank you. I don't know what his problem was" you manage to say. "We'll worry about that later, first, let's get you home" says Marcel. He smiles at you reassuringly. "And no falling into hedges on the way either" Porco says. Turning to look at him he gives you a wink. You tell them your address as they insisted on carrying you home.

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