Part 6

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Sorry for the wait. Life has been pretty busy!

"So you lived in the middle of no where?" quizzed Porco. He had been asking questions about yourself, mainly your life on Paradise Island. "kind of" you chuckled "it's like an hours ride to the town. My mum didn't like me going out very much". You had grown up on a farm with your mother. There were a few people that helped with all the manual work. You were home tutored as your mother was against you mingling with the townsfolk. It never really bothered you as you had your friend Ina to grow up with. Her parents had disappeared years ago, and the MP's had no interest in helping locate her parents, so your mother  took her in. 

Unlike you, Ina had managed to get a job at a bar. It wasn't something you were interested in as you wouldn't like to work with the drunks. Ina was paid well and could easily afford to rent a place of her own, but she was quite content staying with you and your mother. You had wanted to get into any job that was within wall Sina. You were going crazy not being able to meet new people and do things that others your age were doing. Work within wall Sina was very well paid and you liked the idea of having a place of your own one day. Luckily new technology was being introduced on the Island and your mother grudgingly let you have a laptop of your own. That's when you started realising how different the world was beyond the Island.

You had been suprised that you were offered a job in a military base in Marley as an office assistant with no face to face interview. Information regarding Marley was vague or you were greeted with an abrupt message on your screen stating that access was denied. Your mother was proud of you but had made it incredibly clear not to mention this news to anyone on your father's side.

Your father had left you when you were younger. He owned the land that your mother and yourself lived on but he made no attempt to be a part of your life. The last time you had seen him was on your 18th birthday. He didn't speak to you - just gave you a quick glance before walking away to talk to your mother. He was a stranger to you.

Porco pulls his phone out of his pocket. He stares at the screen before standing up. "That was Marcel. I've got to head back to HQ. Something about an urgent meeting"
You bolt upright. You don't want to be left on your own. What if Eren comes looking for you? What if he's been waiting for Porco to go so you'll be alone. "You're coming back though aren't you?" you ask, you can feel yourself beginning to panic.
"Probably not. If Zeke's there it'll be a long ass meeting"
"I...I don't want to be left on my own tonight" you admit, face blushing. Porco holds out his hand to you "I'll give you my number. Call me if anything happens, it doesn't matter what time it is, you call me". You hand your phone over and he's quick to type in his number. "Keep the curtains closed, and lock the door as soon as I leave. Don't open it up for anyone unless it's Marcel or myself". He starts to head towards the door. You don't want him to leave, but feel a sense of relief knowing you can rely on him if anything does happen.

You did as you were told, locked the door and pulled your curtains. Wren doesn't know where you live but he might have followed you. Laying down on your newly built bed you start thinking to yourself. A sudden realisation hits you. Sasha knows Wren. Maybe you could give her a call to see if you can get any information out of her.
The phone keeps ringing and eventually it goes to voicemail. You hang up not leaving a message. You'll try again later.

After having your dinner, you try calling Sasha again but still no luck. It had grown dark outside and it started raining heavily. You weren't usually bothered by bad weather, but tonight it felt different. You had no interest in watching the t.v and you didn't fancy spending the next few hours scrolling through your phone. After getting into your shorts and vest top, you climb under the covers and decide to try and get some sleep.

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