Chapter 4: Love feels good! (1)

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Cold air hit Y/N hard, they shivered as they stood by the gas station. Ross walked out the gas station, holding a monster, one of those big cans that come with their own lid.  He opened it and took a sip, Ross handed it to Y/N. Y/N also took a sip. They started to walk. "Wanna go in the forest?" Ross asked. "It's gonna be all dark and creepy" Y/N said. "What? You scared?" Ross grinned at Y/N as he took out a flashlight from him pocket and turned it on. "No..! Not at all" Y/N blushed. "Don't worry, I'll protect you" Ross got closer to Y/N. "Gee thanks" Y/N grinned. "If anyone tries anything with you I'll stab them" "Oh really?" Y/N laughed, amused. "Ross took his beanie off and grabbed a switchblade from off of his head, he pressed the little button and the knife part popped out. "Oh weren't joking..!" Y/N looked surprised. "Can I hold it?" "Yeah of course" Ross handed it to Y/N, Y/N looked at it. His name was carved on the handle. "This is so sick!" They exclaimed. Ross blushed. "You think so?" "Totally!" Y/N handed it back to him. Ross put the knife back into the little compartment and put it on his head, he put his beanie back on."So where is the forest at?" Y/N asked. Ross grabbed Y/Ns hand, they went over to a house, they went into the someone's backyard. "Right there" Ross pointed to the darkness in front of them. Y/N nervously looked at him, Ross smiled at Y/N. "Don't be scared I'm right here" Y/N nodded. They walked into the darkness, Ross shined his light at the trees and ground. They were in the forest, twigs and leaves crunched under them as they walked.


"What was that?" Y/N whispered. "That's us waking" Ross whispered back. "Oh.." Y/N responded. A twig brushed their leg as they yelped, they got closer to Ross. "Something touched me!" "It was probably a leaf or..a ghost oooo" Ross said. "A ghost..?" Y/N whispered. "Yeah like the one right beside you!" Ross pointed beside Y/N. Y/N hugged Ross's arm tightly. "There's no ghost! Ghosts aren't real" "Heheh" Ross opened his drink and took a sip, he handed it to Y/N, Y/N grabbed it and took a sip. Y/N handed it back to him. Ross closed it back up. "Hey..I think we're close to the pond" Ross said, he started to pick up the pace. Y/N followed beside him. They went through some bushes, they ended on some patches of grass, there was a small pond. The reflection of the moon was shining in the pond. A frog was on a lily pad. "Wow.." Y/N slowly let go of Ross's arm and went over to the pond, they sat down in front of it. Ross sat next to them. He turned his flashlight off since it was sort of bright from the moon. Y/N grabbed the drink from Ross and took a sip, they handed it back to him. Ross smiled at Y/N. "You look amazing in the moonlight" "Thank you" Y/N blushed, they smiled at Ross. "No it alright if I ask you something?" "Sure" Y/N nodded. "Are you okay?" Ross tilted his head. "When I dropped you off at your house you looked really sad" "Oh..y'know it's just..Apollo" Y/N sighed. "Want about it?" "Would you mind?" "Of course not" "Well..Uhm..He was just acting like a dick and when he picked me up we started arguing, I was about to get out the car but he told me to get back, I got back in and he was just.." Y/N looked at the pond. "I won't go into detail but he was being an asshole! And I know this might sound harsh but..uh I've been thinking about breaking up with him..I mean it's for the best I guess, it's not like he loves me" Y/N teared up. "It's not like he cares about me or anything, he was just bored and wanted to mess with someone and that someone had to be me" they wiped their eyes. "Hey..Y/N.." Ross said. Y/N looked at Ross. "Yeah..?" "You deserve so much better, I don't like seeing you like this at all..I just want you to feel loved and.." Ross hesitated to say the next thing, he looked away then back at Y/N. "And I can give that love to you" Y/N was surprised by what he said. "Wha..What?" "Can I kiss you?" Ross asked, ignoring Y/Ns confusion. Y/N was speechless, they couldn't say anything, all they did was slowly nod their head. With zero hesitation Ross kissed Y/N. Y/N melted into the kiss, their eyes widened as they pushed Ross away. Ross blushed. "...Sorry was that-" Y/N pulled him back into another kiss. The kiss lasted a good minute before you slowly pulled away. "...I really like you, I haven't been able to get you off my mind, Star boy.." Ross was a blushing mess. "I..I haven't been able to get you off my mind either, I know we just met but I really like you Y/N" "Me too..but I don't want to move too fast" Y/N said. "Same here.." Ross said, still blushing. "Well maybe we can go on a date tomorrow and just get to know each other more" Y/N smiled as they rested their hand on his hand. Ross nodded. "I'd like that.." Y/N kissed Ross on the cheek and hugged him. Ross hugged them back and smiled.

Crunch crunch

" hear that?" Y/N let go of Ross. "Yeah I did.. I'm sure it's just a rabbit or something" Ross shrugged. Y/N looked around, they grabbed Ross's flashlight and shined some light by the bushes. They saw a person to the left of them. "Hello?" The person started walking closer to Ross and Y/N. Y/N squinted their eyes trying to make out the person.

"Soo is this what you're doing behind my back? Interesting.."

To be continued..

(Sorry this was so short! But I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day/night/afternoon)

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