Chapter 8: Promise

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Y/N sat on a bench outside of school, Ross was next to them. Y/N looked at Ross. "Aren't you cold?" "I'm fine, are you cold?" Ross looked at Y/N. "A little bit" Y/N shivered. "I can walk you home, it's gonna snow all day, I hope we don't have to go to school tomorrow.." Ross looked up at the sky. Y/N nodded as they got up. Ross got up as well. They started to walk, snow resting on their head. Y/N got closer to Ross, Ross put his arm around them. "You okay? Ever since the whole Apollo thing you've been kind of quiet" "Just processing it..I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life with him" Y/N frowned. "Its not your fault.." Ross said. "I can't help but blame myself, I could have left at any moment but I just stayed with him" Y/N shrugged. "But there's no use in dwelling in the past, it's over and done with I guess" Ross kissed Y/N on their head. Y/N looked at him and smiled. "Besides I like someone else" "Oh yeah? Who?" Ross gave them a little smile. "Black hair, wears a beanie, a grey sweater, sometimes a dark blue button up with some dark grey pants, black shoes..cutest smile ever. Maybe you've seen him?" "I think I have" Ross grinned. "I'm thinking of asking him out on a date" Y/N shrugged. "I think he'll say yes" Ross said. "Me too.. I'm also thinking about asking him to pick me up at 7" Y/N giggled. "He'd definitely say yes" Ross said. Y/N stopped walking, Ross noticed and stopped as well. Y/N kissed Ross. Ross kissed them back. Y/N pulled away and hugged him. "We're gonna freeze out here if we don't keep walking" Ross said. "Then I'll just freeze in your arms" Y/N kissed his cheek. "I mean if that's what you want" Ross kissed them back, Y/N smiled some more.

Small timeskip

"Bye love you" Y/N kissed Ross, Ross kissed them back. "Love you too" "Do you need a ride back home? I don't want you to get sick" Y/N gave him a worried look. "I'll be fine, thanks though" Ross put his hands in his pockets. "Bye babe" "Bye Star boy" Y/N smiled as they walked inside, they shut the door behind them. They hummed a tune as they made their way upstairs. "Y/N! I need to talk to you" Y/Ns mother said. "Okay" Y/N walked back down the stairs. "What's up?" "Apollo came by and he wanted me to give you this" Y/Ns mother handed Y/N a box. "He looked so sad! He said you guys got back together then broke up. He said you liked someone else" "Oh uh yeah..I do, his name is Ross" Y/N looked at the box. "Well as long as your happy that's fine but I think you should at least still be Apollo's friend, he's super nice and blah, blah, blah-" Y/N tuned their mother out since at this point she was just saying nonsense. They opened the box, it had a stuffed animal, candy, and a note. "Okay?" Y/Ns mother gave Y/N a stern look. "Mkay" Y/N nodded going upstairs, they read the note.

"Please forgive me, I want you back, I didn't mean what I said"

Y/N went into their room. "What a sucky apology.." they picked up the stuffed animal, they threw in their little trash can. They took the stuffed animal back out. "You don't deserve to get thrown away because some douchebag gave you to me" Y/N set it down on their desk then took a seat at their desk and started to do their homework.


"Yes of course come in, I'll get Y/N!"

Y/N smoothed out their clothes and looked in the mirror. "Okay I'll see you soon Star Boy! I love you" "I love you too, Babe" "Bye!" Y/N hung up, they opened their door. "Oh! Hi mom, I'm just gonna go out-" "Yeah I know! Apollo is here to pick you up" Y/Ns mother said. "Oh oka- What?" "Apollo's here to pick you up, weren't you listening to me when I was talking to you?" Y/Ns mother rested her hands on her hips. "No.." "Well I said Apollo was going to be here at 7 to pick you up" "But I'm going out with Ross" Y/N said. "I don't see why you can't hangout with both of them, they're your friends" Y/Ns mother smiled. "Ugh Mom.." Y/N groaned. "Just go say hi" Y/Ns mom said. Y/N walked past her and went down the stairs. They rolled thier eyes as they grabbed their jacket by the door and put it on, Apollo was standing by the door. "Hey-" "Hi.." Y/N opened the door and walked out. "Have fun you two" Y/Ns mother shouted from up the stairs, Apollo followed Y/N, he shut the door behind him. "Where you off in a rush to? You look nice-" "I'm going to see if I can run into Ross since we're supposed to be hanging out today not me and you" Y/N said sourly. "You should just go home.. I'm just going to ignore you" "I'm not going home, I want you back Y/N" Apollo grabbed Y/Ns hand. "I'm sorry I said those awful things to you, I really didn't mean it but please, please take me back" he begged. "No Apollo" Y/N kept walking. "Come on please! Please, please Y/N! Please" Apollo got down on his knees and grabbed Y/Ns leg. "You're embarrassing yourself..dude" Y/N said as they tried shaking him off. "I need you back! I need to feel like a good person again, everyone has been judging me ever since we broke up because fucking Jason had to tell people that I got you drunk without you knowing or whatever" Apollo exclaimed. "Now I just feel so bad..for myself!" "Let go of me!" Y/N shook him off and stormed away. Apollo quickly got up and followed. Y/N saw Ross from a far, they waved hi as they went over to him. Y/N hugged Ross tightly and kissed him, Ross kissed them back, but pulled away once he saw Apollo. "Why's he here?" "Ugh my mom told me to hangout with him and now he won't leave" Y/N sighed. "I'll leave!...If you get back with me" Apollo smiled. "No! Stop asking me. I don't want to be with you! I'd rather die then be with you again, do you understand? Die! You're so draining to be with, all you care about is how people perceive you. I loved you so much Apollo, I would have gave you anything and everything and so much more! I just can't even look at you right now I'm so disgusted by you!" Y/N hissed. "..." "..Soo is that a yes?..or?"

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