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i have no strong opinions on the monarchy tbh. i lean more towards abolish the monarchy but i dont really care enough to properly have any opinions on it. i just liked this jubilee and the 2012 one because of the parties tbh.

'Fair enough.'

It was the platinum jubilee. The fight was put on hold for the celebration. On top of the hill, friends and foe ate ham sandwiches and victoria sponge cakes all with Union Jack napkins and had small conversations. Waluigi, jupitercl0uds, Tails and Sonic all sat in their own circle, Ariel and Scarecrow sat together, the Sonic Boom cast (minus Sonic and Tails) sat together and Jupiter_Clouds sat alone, their back turned to everyone.

jupiter and Waluigi were telling Tails and Sonic about how they met Jupiter_Clouds and each other, however they were still bleeding and slowly experiencing the effects of blood loss, so their stories and speech seemed to make less and less sense the more they talked. Ariel and Scarecrow were talking about their favourite things.
'I like to invent stuff, like my rainbow mover. God, I love being smart. What about you, did anything massive happen to you? Well, other than this, I suppose,' said Scarecrow.
'Yeah. I was enslaved.'
'Oh. Was that a normal thing?'
'I think so.'

'So anyway I really don't get why we should really be ok with this weird jupitercl0uds kid just because they're friends with Tails. What do we have to prove he's not brainwashed? I'll tell you: nothing! Absolutely nothing!' yelled Sticks.
'Calm down Sticks, xe aren't going to hurt you, or any of us for that matter,' said Amy.
'To be honest, I don't think they're strong enough to hurt you,' said Knuckles.
'What? I'm not being mean, I'm being truthful!'

Jupiter_Clouds was still mad that nobody was talking with them, even if it was justified.
'They aren't ready for my next move,' they muttered. 'I'll get them. They'll see.'

Waluigi and jupiter were singing incoherent nonsense, arms around each other's shoulders. Waluigi, though sounding absolutely trolleyed while saying this, warbled a long 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!'

before someone points out the fact that it is technically only the union jack on a boat and elsewhere it is the union flag, I don't care.

waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular || volume 2Where stories live. Discover now