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Tails had decided to listen to Fly Away by TeddyLoid because despite his young age of 8, he was a massive fan of the anime Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. This was something nobody knew about, not even I, the writer, but that was about to change. While jupiter was fawning over Scarecrow for the 3rd chapter in a row, Waluigi didn't really have as strong feelings about Scarecrow as jupiter (though, to be honest, who seriously writes 3 chapters about their self insert simping for a scarecrow?) and instead decided to talk to Tails, who had nearly finished fixing the plane from the last chapter. In his curiosity, he unplugged Tails' headphones and pressed play on his MP3 player. Waluigi was also a massive fan of the anime Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, so to hear Fly Away was truly awesome in his opinion. He gave an impressed 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' to Tails, who was frozen in shock from what Waluigi had done. His secret was out. He knew he should have just used his phone like most people.

'OH MY GOD IS THAT FLY AWAY PLAYING ON A BLUE SONY WALKMAN MP3 PLAYER? NO WAY!' yelled jupitercl0uds. They had the exact same mp3 player as a kid, on which they used to play nothing but the Megamind soundtrack and Everything is Awesome. Seeing Tails with the exact same MP3 player brought back so many memories. Waluigi also had the exact same MP3 player 10 years ago, so the 3 ended up bonding over it. Scarecrow had no idea what any of them were talking about, and so just kind of awkwardly stood there.

waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular || volume 2Where stories live. Discover now