-----:𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖚𝖓.:-----

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The rebellion had this planned for years now. But not until a couple of months ago did they decide it was finally time to implement it, to bring said plan into action. And to do the task they chose the young leader of the rebellion herself, (Y/n).

Ever since they made the decision, (Y/n) has been stratergizing for it. She started training harder and harder than she had her whole life. And the time finally came to see whether everything she worked for her whole life was gonna pay off.

She was in her room, which was no bigger than a few feet length or width wise, but it was one of the best quarters at the base and (Y/n) being one of, if not, the best had earned it.

However if anyone looked around the room right now they would think a storm had hit it. Clothes carelessly thrown around, books out of order or misplaced, bed unmade, other articles either knocked down or misplaced lying forgotten everywhere.

It's not that she didn't like having her room clean and compact. She loved having things meticulously arranged. But she either never got time or she was just too tired to do it.

The moonlight cascaded through the windows of her room adding only a little light to her already dimly lit room, the only other source of light being a table lamp that shined on the maps, blueprint and floor plans of the castle. She was studying them for the millionth time now. She knew it as well as the back of her hand.. Heck, she knew it almost as much as the base where she spent her whole life.

"Through the tunnels.. using the underpass here.. and directly into the castle.. ok alright...."she muttered under her breath nervously as she re-traced the path on the map lightly with a pencil, barely touching it as she continued moving to the floorplan.

"Okay.. um.. the guards here would go patrolling exactly at 3:00 o'clock.. so I must get there on time.." She reminded herself again and shifted her weight and doodled on the paper again. "From here to third floor corridor in the east wing.. alright.. so then the office is at second right after one left.. perfect just gotta take down a few guards there and then we're dandy.. and then finally, get in and through the trapdoor... "

She hated to admit it but she felt anxiety deep in her gut every time she did this.. It wasn't going to be easy and she knew this very well.

She was snapped out of her little reverie as the fireworks started exploding outside. She jumped a little, startled by the noise and turned to look out her window, then looked at the clock. 12:00 AM. The start of a new day. Not just any day though.. Dies Libertatis. The day of the heist. She nervously walked closer to the window. The beautiful display of bright colors only made her anxiety grow ten folds.

'It's time. Is she ready? Would she succeed? What if she didn't? Everyone was looking up at her... Expecting from her... She could not mess this up.. She can't afford that.. She can't afford to fail.. The council had trust her enough to give her such a big responsibility, she had to do this, she couldn't disappoint them.'

A knock was heard on the door startling her again.
"(Y/n)?"A muffled voice queried shortly after. She gathered herself and called back.
"Come in!"
The door then opened to reveal a short, lean woman in her 40s, Cassandra.

Cassandra, or Cassy for short was her Aunt. A sweet lady who looked after and brought her up after (Y/n)'s mother, meaning her sister passed away even though she was young herself when it happened. And she did a great job at it according to (Y/n). It was like she never lost her mother.

While she raised her though, Cassy also looked after the rebellion until (Y/n) was of age to take the responsibility of the leader. Sort of like a regent, after which she resumed her old position in the council.

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