Chapter Three

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I sit on my bed, a first aid kit laying beside me as I start to tend my wounds. After I got back to the group, everyone had already started to panic about the werewolves, luckily haven't gotten the time to notice I had been gone and that I had returned. After that, things changed quickly. The news spread around town like a wildfire and mom re-instated the anti-monster laws again. Resulting in the zombies would no longer be allowed to attend Prawn, and that also meant my sister had to reject Zed's prawnposal. But all of those things were the least of my worries. Tending the wounds was more important if I didn't want them to get infected.

I hiss as I start to remove the bandage, only to see nothing, just normal skin. No big gaping wound, nothing. Yet the blood that painted the white bandage says otherwise. Utter confusion paints my face as I throw the bandage away before checking on my ankle, just like the bite wound, the claw mark has also disappeared. I just stare at my skin, at the spot a wound should've been. How could this happen? Was this even possible? Wounds like that didn't heal over one freaking night.

My head snaps up when I hear my sister call for me. I quickly pack my sports bag, putting my cheer stuff in it before zipping it close. I grab my backpack and quickly run out of my bedroom. "I'm here," I respond before muttering a quick bye to my parents as we both leave the house and head towards the school. Even though the wounds have healed and are gone, I still feel weird. As if something was about to happen or to change.

"See ya," I say to Addison the moment we arrive at school and we part ways. I head straight for my locker to put away my stuff. The school president's nomination would be just before the lunch break. The bell rings, making my ears hurt as I flinch at the loud noise, followed by lockers getting slammed shut. It takes me a few seconds to recover from the loud noises before I slowly make my way toward my classroom. Suddenly every sound sounds ten times louder than usual. I feel like my ears are hyperfocused on every little thing. Tapping pencils from out a classroom, a teacher talking about a historical subject, people in the distance chatting about the upcoming nominations.

The ominous sound of a clock ticking, footsteps from miles away, and even the voices of my friends somewhere in the hallways hit my ears. I blink a few times, shocked to see the hallway I am in being empty, and yet so many sounds are vibrating in my ears. What the hell was going on? I shake my head, trying to block out the sounds as I sprint towards my classroom and slip inside. I give the teacher a small "sorry" before heading to the seat in the back and sitting down beside Kevin.

"You okay?" He whispers as I send him an assuring nod before grabbing my books and opening the right page. The teacher starts to talk about some kind of formula from the chemistry subject we are currently learning, walking back and forth. Her heels loudly clicked against the tiles. Someone tapping their foot against the ground, and another student aggressively typing away on their phone. The loud breathing coming from Bucky. Chair scraping over the floor as one moves a bit, Kevin's pen scratching on the paper he is writing on.

Sound after sound builds up, growing louder with every second, it's so loud that it makes my ears drum and a headache is slowly building up. An alarm sounds, coming from someone's phone in the other class and no one in my class seems to even hear it. The chatter in the hallways about preparing the auditorium for the nominations. Students talking outside and a student coughing loudly.

I harshly shove my chair back, grab my stuff and flee out of the classroom. The more I try to drown it out, the louder everything gets. What was happening to me? Was it because of that bite that was suddenly gone? Was it because of that werewolf that attacked me? Maybe things were just changing so fast it was making me crazy? Or maybe I was the one changing.

What if? What if I was changing into a werewolf? Into a monster?

I was becoming a werewolf and I had no idea how to stop it.

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