Chapter17- Mom's Rest Day

Start from the beginning

She said we were making her mom's favourite dish, it was torta.

I think I said that right, anyways she said it's basically ground meat with vegetables.

She also said that it's even better if you put eggs in it, and I quote " I know it's sounds simple but as they say never judge a book by its cover" that's exactly what she said about the dish that we are gonna cook.

And honestly I'm very surprised that someone so young like her can cook that many dishes by herself, also another thing I like about zen.

She is already so independent, I wish to be like her someday.

[This torta btw for those who don't know.]

Zen pov-

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Zen pov-

As I taught Lizzie how to chop the vegetables which to my surprise she learns very quick, I got started on cooking the ground meat stirring it occasionally.

And as I check in Lizzie I see that she's already done chopping the vegetables, so I let her drop the vegetables group by group she started with the carrots then potatoes and so on.

I stirred it up until the vegetables were all done with the meat then I added some rosemary and basil leaves for more flavour then I let it on its own so it could absorb the all those deliciousness.

*Time skip- after they're done cooking*

We had just finished cooking and the rice was cooked too, and as me and Lizzie finished plating the food we called dad and mom to the kitchen to eat.

And as always I am always excited to see Lizzie's reaction😁

As she took the first bite, she melted into the chair because of the deliciousness the simple dish had.

She was so damn cute.

I couldn't help but laugh, I mean who wouldn't right.

As we finished eating breakfast, I went to wash the dishes with Lizzie.

After washing the dishes Lizzie and I went to the laundry room to laundry the dirty clothes.

Time skip- after finishing the laundry

After finishing the laundry I folded the clothes that have already dried and went to mom and dad's room to store their clothes to they're closet.

Lizzie helped me with organizing them while listening to music.

[Play material girl by Madonna, so u can enjoy this part better:)]

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