𝙸'𝚖 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 (𝟶𝟷𝟶)

931 13 18

You just got home from the excruciating car ride. You made your way to your room and collapsed onto your bed. It was finally the weekend and you had time to cool off. Hawkins was not what you expected at all. You didn't know a lot of people, but you had lots of time. The image of your step-sister, Max, crying in the backseat kept crossing your mind as you lay there. You decided it would be a good idea to check up on her so you got up and made your way to her room. You knocked on the door.

"Max? Is it okay if I come in?" You calmly asked. There was no response on the other side. Quietly, you turned the door knob and cracked it open. You peaked in to see Max curled up on her bed. Her face was buried into her knees. "I don't know why Bill is such a dick. I really wish I knew." You said as you sat at the end of her bed. "But you don't deserve to be treated like this. God, I really hate how small he makes me feel. He's my age too and it makes me feel pathetic." Max was still curled up on her bed. You noticed you hadn't made any progress yet. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't want him to make you feel small. I don't want you to feel the same way I do. You are still so young that you probably don't feel like you can stand up for yourself. I just want you to know that it's not your fault he picks on you, none of it is." You felt the bed shift as Max moved to sit up. She sat up to hug her knees and rested her red and puffy face on them.

"I know it's not my fault." She sniffled. You smiled warmly at her response. You didn't expect Max to talk with you at all. "He can't take his anger out on my mom, so he takes it out on me." Your heart sank.

"And I really hate that he does. It's not fair. You never did anything wrong, ever. I hate that I feel like I can't protect you from him because he would hurt me too. And he has." You pulled your left sleeve up to your upper arm to reveal a thin scar. "One night in California, around when my dad first introduced us to your mother, he got so angry he smashed an empty beer bottle on the counter. One of the shards of glass hit my arm when it shattered and cut me open. He didn't even clean all of it up, he just walked out of the room." Max gazed at you blankly, not knowing what to say. You scooted closer to her and open your arms, hoping she would accept the hug. Max stared at you blankly for a moment before reaching your arms and leaning against you. You wrapped your arms around her tightly and rested your head on hers. "Billy puts a big strain on lots of stuff between all of us. I want you to be able to feel safe in your own house. I want you to be able to talk to us without being afraid. I am always here for you no matter what, Max. If you want to talk about anything I'm just down the hall, okay?" She only nodded, but this was enough for you. You finally felt like you were getting somewhere with Max.

You continued to hold her tight until you heard the home phone ringing in the distance. You still sat there with Max, hoping someone else would take care of it but no one did. You let out a frustrated sigh.

"I think I should probably go get that," you told your step-sister. She laid back on her bed and you made your way to the kitchen to answer the phone. You put the phone to your ear and started twirling the cord around your finger. "Hello?"

"Hey y/n. This is y/n, right?" The voice on the other line said.

"Yes, this is y/n..." You started to twirl the cord faster.

"Thank god, good. This is Steve. I was wondering if I could pick you up right now? I need help with something." The cord dropped from your hand. You took a moment and checked around the house to try to catch your brother eavesdropping on your conversation. Thankfully, Billy was nowhere near you.

"Yes, I'm ready. Is everything alright?" You whispered loudly.

"Oh yeah, everything is okay. I'll be there in 10."

"Okay, see you-" Before you could finish your sentence, the line went dead. You set the phone back and walked down to your room. After noticing how fridged it looked outside, you reached into your closet and grabbed something to cover you up. On the way down the hallway, you peeked your head back into Max's room.

"I'm going out with a friend. Are you okay here by yourself?" Max nodded. "I don't know when ill be back, but I know there are some TV dinner meals in the freezer." You closed her bedroom door behind you and walked to the front door. Steve was already here and pulled into the driveway. You quickly ran your fingers through your hair and then made your way outside. You walked towards the car and noticed him get out of the driver's door. He rushed over to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door for you.

"Wow, Harrington. Since when are you such a gentleman?" You let out a sarcastic gasp. Steve rolled his eyes.

"What are you talking about? I always have been." You got into the car head first. "I did ask you to hang out last minute so I owe you."  You let out a breathy laugh. 

"You're right. You do owe me." You smirked. Steve got back into the car.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He backed out of the driveway carefully and sped down the street.

"So, where are we headed, Harrington?" You grabbed Steve's sunglasses that were sitting on the center counsel and put them on. He glanced over at you and smiled.

"Well, uh..." His smile slowly started to fade. "I am on my way over to Nancy's house to drop off these flowers." His head nudged to the backseat. You turned around to see a large bouquet of roses. You sunk into your seat.

"Why did you ask me to come then?" You tried to keep your tone gentle and try not to get upset. It almost feels like he's trying to rub this into my face.

"Well, I guess I just need some moral support?" He furrowed his brows "That sounds really selfish." He said shamefully 

The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet as Steve made his way to the Wheeler's house. You couldn't stop overthinking. Why did he bring you with him? Was there another reason why he wanted you here? What was the real purpose of him bringing flowers for Nancy? You guys pulled in front of the house. Steve finally looked over at you.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for bringing you here with me. That wasn't very fair. I guess I just trust your opinion a lot and I'm not even sure if this is a good idea at all." He combed his hair with his fingers. "I just wanted to be on good terms with her. I know we aren't getting back together. There's no way we are. I just didn't want to end things badly, you know?" You tilted your head confused. You assumed that Steve would still be hung up on Nancy, but has he got over her this fast? There was no way.

"Yeah, I completely get that. But, maybe bringing her a whole bouquet of flowers might come across differently than you would like it to?" You tried to give him the most honest and neutral advice you could in the moment. "But it's totally up to you. I mean, you know her best." Steve stared off and thought for a moment.

"She might not even be home at all." Steve turned around and grabbed the flowers from the back. A wave of disappointment rushed over you. "I'll be right back." Steve turned to exit the car.

"Steve, wait." He turned back to look at you. His brown eyes were wide.

"Yes, y/n?" You grabbed his free hand and pulled him in. You placed your right hand on his face and kissed him. Your heart started pounding as he leaned in and kissed you back. The two of you pulled away and took in the moment. Steve threw the bouquet back in the backseat and pulled you in for another kiss until there was a loud pounding on the driver's window. Steve grunted and turned around. There was a small boy with long curly hair and a baseball hat standing there, unamused. You quickly combed through your hair, still trying to process what just happened. Steve rolled down his window.

"Henderson?! What are you doing here?" Steve shouted.

"We've got a problem. Do you still have your bat?" The kid sassed back.

"Bat? What bat?" Steve replied. You felt awkward as you sat there listening to their conversation.

"The one with the nails?" The boy mocked. You noticed headphones poking through his hair and a small microphone sat near his mouth.

"Uhhh, why?"

"I'll explain it on the way." Without notice, the boy hopped in the backseat of the car. "Who is this girl?" He said, staring you down.

"This is y/n Hargrove."

Sticking Around // Steve Harrington x Reader *On-Going*Where stories live. Discover now