𝙱𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚆𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 (𝟶𝟶𝟼)

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You successfully avoided Steve all day at school. There was no way you could stand to face him. You were filled with shame. Shame that let yourself be so into him. Shame that you thought there was a chance with him. Shame that you didn't see the signs sooner. But he was most definitely flirting with you. Or maybe he was just being nice to the new girl.

You sat in your room for the beginning of the night, having no motivation to do anything. The ride home from school was very unusual. Billy was in higher spirits today and didn't try to start an argument with you or Max. He also never asked you about where you were after school yesterday. You hoped that it slipped his mind. 

You were sulking on your bed until Billy busted in through your door.

"Ever learn how to knock?" You stared at your twin brother unamused. He was dressed up in a half-unbuttoned downed shirt and jeans. In one ear, there was a dagger-shaped earring.

"You're not funny, y/n. Are you coming to this Halloween bash or what?" You glanced at him, confused.

"Halloween bash? It's not even Halloween." Billy leaned on his left leg. His hand reached up to hang on the top of your door frame. 

"Yes, it is dip shit. And you are coming with me instead of sitting in here like you are depressed. Learn to live a little." He pulled a cigarette pack out of his pocket and lit one. He took a deep inhale and tilted his head back as he blew out the smoke throughout your bedroom. "Hurry up. I want to leave soon." Billy walked back into his room and slammed the door behind him. It annoyed you when he didn't seem to care to do the small polite things like closing all the doors behind him. There was nothing you could do about his manners though. You stood up in front of your mirror and thought this whole Halloween party thing over. Maybe it will clear my head from yesterday. A little partying never hurts. You rushed to get ready putting on a stunning outfit (of your choice). You decided to leave your hair down because you liked the way it was framing your face today. Billy didn't bother to come to your room to grab you but you knew better and were already in the car ready to go. Shortly after, your brother joined you and the two of you took off. 


You and Billy finally arrived. You guys began making your way to the front yard. Just from where you were, you could hear loud music and the loud cheers of people.

"I don't know how you are getting home tonight but it is not with me," Billy remarked.

"Don't worry. I wasn't planning on it." You dragged your feet along the cement. You were eager to get in and finally party.  

"And don't be an idiot and pull some dumb shit you hear me?" You let out a laugh.

"Says you, Billy. I think you need to be more worried about yourself tonight." Billy hit you stiffly in the shoulder "Ow... damn." You guys finally made it to the house. The front yard was littered with used Dixie cups and cars. A group of guys huddled around a keg called Billy over. That isn't going to end well. You walked up the front steps and through the front door. The atmosphere was very different in then what it was outside. Everyone was huddled in the living room and was moving around to the beat. There was a wide variety of costumes throughout the room and you could point out a couple. The overused playboy bunny, a Raggedy Ann doll, and many others. As you made your way through the living room someone handed you a cup filled with what looked like beer. You downed it bottoms up. Tonight you were getting wasted. After a few more drinks you shoved your way to the middle of the dance floor. The people around you joined in with you and you all created one big group of kids just trying to have a good time. That was until someone caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. You looked over to the other side of the living room and saw, Steve, leaning against the wall. He was dressed up in all black with a black blazer and a black shirt underneath. He was wearing those stupid sunglasses he let you borrow yesterday. Next to him was a brown-haired girl. This has to be the girlfriend. You turned to one of the random people next to you "Who's the girl over there with Steve Harrington." You pointed over in his direction.

"That's Steve's girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler. They've been together for a while now." They replied. You stared at her. Of course, Steve is dating her. She looks so perfect. A sigh left your mouth.

You walked over to the punch bowl. Not caring to ask what was in it you dipped your cup in and filled it to the top. You made a sour face as you downed it. Man, this burns. All of a sudden there was a commotion at the front door. You watched as your brother stumbled through the living room as he made his way in front of Steve. A group of guys you have never seen before followed closely behind. One of the guys standing next to Billy called out.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." This caught Steves's attention but he appeared to keep his cool. Other voices teased.

"Yeah, that's right" Another boy stepped beside Bill.

"Eat it, Harrington." The boys snickered. Billy pulled his lit cigarette out of his mouth and blew out a huge cloud of smoke in the air. Your gaze was interrupted as you noticed Nancy heading your way. In a panic, you filled up your cup one more time and hid back into the dance floor. A girl in a cowgirl costume danced beside you as you guys hyped each other up. You chugged drink after drink, not looking back to check on Steve and his little girl toy.

Later into the night, you were struggling to keep yourself up. You had no idea where your brother was or what was he doing. You were just happy to be having a good time and not worry about him trying to ruin it. In the distance, you heard an angry familiar voice. You turned to see Steve at the punch bowl trying to pull a cup away from very drunk Nancy. The arguing stopped as the red concoction was spilled all over her white blouse. Everyone stopped dancing to stare at the mess and gaped at her. Nancy muttered something under her breath and stormed off. Steve shortly went after her and disappeared down the hall. A smile grew on your face. You felt delighted that she was now publicly embarrassed but then realized she probably wouldn't remember it because of how intoxicated she was. 

You kept dancing and drinking until you dropped. Collapsing on a nearby sofa, you struggled to stay awake. Steve walked through the front door and adjusted his hair. He looked very down. Since when did he leave? You wondered. By now, you didn't have enough will to keep your head up and it rested on the arm of the couch. Your eyes grew heavy and started too close until a voice shouted at you.

"Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Steve yelled over the loud music. Your eyes slowly traveled to his.

"Steve...? Is that you?" Your words were slurred.

"Y/N, HOW MANY DRINKS DID YOU HAVE?" He continued to shout. He took off his glasses so he could really take a good look at your current state. You giggled.

"Who cares how many drinks I've had. All I know is that I'm beyond wasted." You struggled to lift up your hand and pumped your fist. "Woo! Partying." Your hand collapsed back down on the couch. Steve approached you. He bent over, reaching his arms under you and lifted you up off the sofa bridal style. "Hey, Steve, what are you doing. Hey, stop that." Steve's grip around you grew tighter as you struggled to break free. Your legs swung around.

"Y/n, Stop." He said to you softly. This calmed you down and you felt yourself start to doze off as he held you tight. "I'm going to take you home so you don't end up on the street dead later." He walked with you in his arms and out the front door.

"WHAT NO! BUT BILLY-" You blurted out.


You woke up the next morning in your bed with a pounding headache. You sat at the end of your bed, scared to get up. Hangovers were the worst for you. Memories from the night started to come back to you throughout the day. The one thing you were stuck on is how you got home last night and tucked safely into your bed. But then the memory finally reached you. As you were laid carefully into your bed you looked up and saw those big sunglasses.

"Goodnight, y/n. You were lucky I was there to save your life tonight."

"Thank you, Steve. Oh, what would I do without you."

Sticking Around // Steve Harrington x Reader *On-Going*Where stories live. Discover now