the greenhouse

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I know this doesn't match the timeline or anything of the show but it fits my story so just go along with it 😀

  cordelia told me that we would head out for our walk at around 11 o'clock. it was only 10 now. i was kind of looking forward to it, to try and get to know her a little better.

  i had lost myself in thought and somehow wondered outside, and found myself in the greenhouse that i had heard one of the girls mention at dinner last night. the building was full of plants, with a table in the centre, which was covered in dirt, cuttings of plants and what i was assuming were spell books. i made my way further into the room, looking around at all the plants. plants had always brought me a sense of comfort, i don't know why though. there was a few plants that i couldn't identify, as well as a couple of plants which appeared to have fruit on them, and a few very floriferous plants.

i spotted a smaller hand made table in the corner of the room next to a beige colored couch, with a record player on it. i walked over to it and saw a wooden crate filled with records. i flipped through them, there was a few fleetwood mac ones, the mamas and papas, blondie, janis joplin, lana del rey, the cramps, and even a nirvana one. i gently placed the janis joplin one on the player, lowering the needle and listening as her amazing vocals filled the room. i hummed along to 'me and bobby mcgee', and sat down on the couch, scrolling through my socials. the couch was quite low to the ground, made of a scratchy beige material and littered with bohemian patterned cushions.

  i continued scrolling through my phone and listening to the music when i heard the door open and saw zoe step inside. "hi," she waved as she spotted me in the corner. "hi," i repeated and smiled up at her. "what are you doing out here?" she asked as she sat down on a chair that was opposite me. "uh, just wanted to get out of the house for a bit, have some time to myself, i guess," i replied. "yeah, i know how you feel. it gets like that sometimes, especially in a house full of girls," she smiled at me. i nodded. "so, what are your plans for today?" she asked as she placed down the notebook she had on her lap. "uh, i'm going out with cordelia soon, and then i'm not sure what i'm doing after," i informed her. "okay," she said as she opened her notebook. "what are you working on?" i asked her. "just some homework on the seven wonders," she replied and showed me her book. "what are the seven wonders?" i asked and placed my phone down next to me to give zoe my full attention. "the seven wonders are a series of tests that are performed to see who the next supreme will be," she explained. "what's a supreme?" i asked quizzically. zoe giggled a little bit. "i thought you would have known this by now. the supreme is the most powerful witch in the world. the current supreme is cordelia, and the previous was her mother, fiona." "soo, the next one would be cordelia's daughter?" i guessed. "no, not necessarily. the supreme is totally random, it's just a big coincidence that fiona and cordelia were the supremes," she said. "and cordelia doesn't have any children, so the next supreme could be you, for all anyone knows," she shrugged and started writing in her book. i just nodded and went back to my phone.

  i glanced at the top of my phone screen. 10:50 am. "shit," i muttered and got up from the couch. "i gotta go, i'll see you around," i said to zoe as i rushed out of the greenhouse and back to the coven.

a/n: just a lil filler chapter. i promise there will be more cordelia in the next chapter :)

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