"Did you guys find anything?" I asked.

He nodded and pulled a pink lab tube out of his sachel. I looked at y/n, "is this the same liquid?"

He passed it to her and she held it In Her hands for a moment, " yea." She paused. "This is it."
"This is what?" Mikey asked budging between me and y/ns close bodes.

As I explained y/n drifted into a quiet daze next to me. Before I could ask she interrupted.

"We need to get out of here." Y/n mumbled.
She looked to me and- while trying to hide it- she was scared.

I nodded.

"What about finding out about info on her powers?" Mikey asked looked at her and then me.

I looked at y/n and remembered her memory and what happened with the chemical.

"We actually might have all the info we need." She looked at me confused before I picked her up.

"But we need to get out of here. They know we're here." I explained before nudging to Raph and Mikey who glanced at each other and then me before nodding in agreement.

"You hear that Donnie?" My easy tempered brother asked. We got the okay from him and we started to run. We knew the layout of the building and just needed to get to D.

Mikey looked towards the empty hallway and we all instantly gripped onto the ceiling as 10 footbots came running our way. They just missed up and didn't look up.

Y/n tightened her grip around my neck and I rubbed her back in reassurance:
"I'm going to get you out, I promise." I mouthed and she nodded.

Raph looked at us and gave me a 'Is something going on that I should know about.?' Look before I responded with my ' I'll update you later' reaction.

Once they had all left we dropped to the floor and started running. We took a sharp turn and headed for the door.

Mikey rattled the handle to the door and sighed,

I looked to y/n.
She seemed to have the same idea.

She took a deep breath in and raised her hand. The door shook and rattled.
Mikey looked at her in astondment, "whoa.."

The lights flickered as the door started to rattle angrily before being sent flying outside.

Raphael's eyes and mouth widened, "how the hell did you do that..?"

Y/n let out a quick relieved laugh as if she were holding her breath.,"I have no idea."

Raph tapped his mike, "we're here."

The shell razor  appeared out of the alleyway as Donnie,April, and Casey walked out.

April ran to y/n giving her a huge hug; almost tackling her to the ground.
"Y/n!!!" She yelped as they both laughed. 

"Hey April," y/n weakly laughed before everyone engulfed her into a hug.

"Jesus I'm so glad you're okay." Donnie sighed, "you have no idea how much we worried about you."

She smiled  her gorgeous smile, "aweh well, no need to worry anymore."

I watched her talk to everyone but something seemed... off. She seemed tired, And looked like she was about to fall asleep.

That was when I noticed Casey looking around. "Do you guys hear that..?" Everyone fell silent.

Donnies face distorted as he grabbed April and Casey, "EVERYONE GET AWAY!" He screamed.
In a flash of two seconds, 
one, I was running towards y/n who was a phew feet in front of me and the next I was holding her in my arms while being blasted.

"What just happened!?" Raph looked around as we all stared at the shellrazor that was on fire.
Just then in a daze Baxter stockman, Braxxous, fish face all fell down crowding around us.

We all quickly stood up ready to fight.
Y/n stood beside me.
I handed her one of my katanas as she readied her stance for a fight.

Just then A loud thump fell ontop of the shelrazor.

In the mists of the fire and the pounding headache and heart that was making me almost deaf,  Shredder stood and jumped off the shellrazor.

"You have something that belongs to me.."
he said in a low gravely tone.

"She doesn't belong to you!" I yelled tightening my grip on my katana  in anger.

"Oh pathetic turtle..."


I looked over to the sound of the fallen katana. Y/n layed on the ground unconscious.

"Leo, take y/n and run." Raph whispered.

"But you guys-" I responded.

"GO!" He screamed.

I picked up my katana and y/n and started to run.

"... but she does." He said with a shivering smile.

As he spoke y/n became out of my grasp.

I fell to the ground as her body began to float.


We all stared mortified by her floating limp body.

Tears stained my eyes as I reached for her foot but she continued to float just out of my reach. 

"Y/N!!!" I screamed in a sob.

She snapped her head in my direction and opened her eyes.

I stood frozen in horror.

One of her eyes glowed a bright pink as the goo ran down from her eye down her beautiful face.

Her other eye became full of the goo while her tears flowed down her face.

In a final moment of consciousness, she opened her hand towards me.


Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Where stories live. Discover now