CHAPTER ONE: Number Twleve Grimmauld Place

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                                                                                                                      Book I

"Caelum! Sirius!" Walburga Black's amplified voice bellowed through the room, though she was nowhere to be seen.

"Yes, Mother?" Sirius asked, his childish voiced echoed against the high stone walls, and his sister decided to set her book down to the desk.

"Find your way to the dining room immediately." Walburga demanded; the coldness of her voice struck the twins like ice down your throat.

Walburga Black, the daughter of Irma and Pollux Black, was born and raised in a traditionalist, pureblood household. As such, upon bearing three children, Sirius, Caelum, and Regulus Black, she raised this next generation of Black heirs the same way, with no shortage of discipline and a profound deficit of kindness. Walburga's husband, Orion Black, father of the three children, was also her second cousin, a common practice in the pureblood families.

The twins found their way to the dining room, and shared a look of despair, before pushing open the doors. Walburga had not noticed her twins enter. She was sat at head of the dining table, glancing over the yellowed parchment, it was only at the closing of the metallic enterance that she gazed up.

"You can still follow basic instruction, lovely." Walburga smiled in annoyance before continuing her sentence. "Treat my next words as very gospel." She said, as if that was not the expectation for every sound uttered from her wine-dark lips. "Against my better judgment, I have decided to let you attend Hogwarts instead of the Beauxbaton Academy. However, you are under strict instructions. You are not there to grow or form your own opinions. I will not have either of you spouting the nonsense of individuality that school will try to beat into your mind. You are there solely for political purposes and as of now, stupidity sorely out numbers you and your cousins there. Find yourselves influenced by it, and there will be consequences." Walburga handed the twins a piece of parchment, the one she was just looking at. There was no margin for error in their behavior.

You will be Prefects & Head Boy and Girl.

You will get full marks in all your classes.

You will keep up your appearance as per the Black family tradition.

You will not interact with Blood traitors, Half-bloods or Mudbloods.

You will not interact with anyone outside of Slytherin house.

"Yes, Mother" The twins replied in unsettling unison, and a spark of mischief lit their eyes.

"As long as this is perfectly clear, you are dismissed," said Walburga.

As they walked away, they felt the ice-cold stare of their mother at their backs. They walked up the stairs in silence, only listening to the creaking of the steps, minds wandering, but undeniably coming back to the same thought; What if one of us is not in Slytherin?

"Siri! Cael!" A small voice rung through the corridor, surprising the twins; it was late, Regulus should not have been awake.

"Regulus, what are you doing awake at this hour?" Asked Sirius.

"I did not want you to leave before I got the chance to bid you goodnight" Regulus smiled up at his little siblings, and they smiled back.

"Goodnight, Regulus." Caelum spoke clearly, enunciating every word.

"Sleep well." Sirius bid, patting Regulus's head, as any good older brother would. With that, Regulus sent them the rare toothy grin and bound off to his room, careful not to make too much noise. Careful not to anger their mother.

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