19) Hook, Line and Screamer!

Start from the beginning

With that, the boyfriend on the screen was slashed into bits and pieces until there was nothing but blood stains and pieces of flesh.

The girlfriend screamed and tried her absolute hardest to start the car while her boyfriend was being killed.

"Great Canadian cheese! Now the car won't start!" Owen yelled, standing up.

"Oh, man. I hate scary movies," DJ said, shaking.

"Run, the psycho's gonna get ya!" Izzy yelled, standing up as well.

DJ gasped as he moved behind his seat, trembling in fear. It took everything in me not to do the same thing he was doing.

Static - Confessional
"I would rather not have to deal with these people trying to scare me right now. I could literally feel myself shaking and my heart was racing," I groaned.
Static - End

"Here comes the blood fest!" Gwen smiled, standing up.

The girlfriend was now being turned into pieces as well. Her blood was all over the screen and her guts were everywhere.

The group just stared at the screen like what we were watching wasn't terrifying.

"Yeah! Right on!" Gwen yelled.


"Aw, gross! Aw, the chainsaw psycho's going back to the woods! He's getting away! Yeah! Good ending! Izzy loves scary movies!" Izzy said, falling into Owen's arms.

"So does Owen," Owen smirked.

I was relieved when the movie finally turned off. I sighed as I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. I, absolutely, hate being scared of things like this.

It's just a movie yet I was literally shaking in my seat. My sleep schedule is definitely going to be worse than it already is.

"Whoo. Am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies," DJ sighed.

"Oh yeah? What scares you most? The, uh, part where everyone meets a grizzly death? Or the psycho killer with the hook?!" Duncan yelled out revealing his hand which has a hook on it.

DJ screamed and jumped behind Leshawna. Everyone stared at him before laughing.

Static - Confessional
"I know I said I understand DJ being scared but what Duncan just did wasn't scary. Corny? Yes. Scary? Definitely not."
Static - End

"Aw, c'mon, DJ. For a slasher flick, it was pretty tame," Gwen smirked.

"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. Not like Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reign of Terror!" Duncan smiled.

"No way! That's my favorite movie! I love when the killer jams that guys hand into the lawnmower!"

I sighed as these two spoke. The movies they continued to speak about sounded terrifying and I, desperately, didn't want to hear anything about horror movies.

"Aww. Looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense. It's just mindless guts and gore," Heather sassed.

"Horror movies aren't mindless."

"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma. Heh, look at DJ," Duncan smiled.

"Whatever. Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?"

"Yeah. Where's the Chrismeister?" Geoff budded in.

"Why don't we go ask Chef?" I suggested, standing up. "Isn't that him on the docks?"

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