Chapter 6: 🔪 "The hunt for vengeance" 🍝

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Don't ask about the spaghetti emoji. I wanted to indicate that Zero possesses Ennard in this AU and I thought it was funny

//Zero's POV//

My body suddenly felt cold, like I couldn't feel it anymore. I stood up, my Fredbear mask was gone. It must have fallen off somewhere. I looked down behind me. Right there, was my decaying body, blood crusted in my hair. My white shirt now red from the blood. My Fredbear mask was right next to my body, completely untouched. My eyes seemed so cold and dead, dull and lifeless. I spotted Mr. Afton's knife next to the body. What kind of dumb fuck leaves their weapons on their victims? But you know what...? 

"FUCK YOU WILLIAM AFTON!!" I yelled, not caring that he couldn't hear me.

Short chapter.... Sorry...

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