Chapter 38 : Her Past

Start from the beginning

Feeling curious I followed her and was met with a shocking sight.

She was cursing out every single student in our class with a cold, husky voice that I couldn't ever think belonged to her.

''And Horikita….That bitch. Because of her, I couldn't get with that crybaby Ikitani, who would've been my ticket to stardom to become the most popular student of the school.

All because of that slut Horikita, everything was destroyed.  Well, at least I get to enjoy seeing her get beaten up every single day. That sates my desire for revenge, I guess."

'I couldn't believe my ears… Was all our memories meant nothing to her? Did she really think nothing about Ikitani ? Was she acting this whole time?'

Not wanting to stay quiet any longer I opened the door much to her shock. Then her eyes turned into fury as she glared at me.

"What are you doing?"

"That's my line. Did the time we spent really meant nothing to you?"

"Of course not. I just wanted to get close to the sister of the School President. Once he was gone, your use was gone as well."

"Did you really think nothing about Ikitani-kun?"

All I met in regards was a mirthful chuckle from as she leaned towards the window.

"Of course not. He could've been useful to me but you destroyed that chance. So everytime I watch you get bullied, it makes me feel great euphoria."

She let out a manic laugh while evilly grinning at me.

'Is this really Kushida? Is this really the girl I've known for 2 years? It's unbelievable. '

"Why am I getting bullied, Kushida-san? I don't think rejecting a guy will result in this much suffering. Did you do something?"

"Of course I did. As the most loved person in the class, all I need is to fabricate some lies in such a way that it seems true.

You should thank me for helping you gain such pain tolerance, Horikita-san. "

Anger fueled my entire body as I couldn't keep hold of it anymore. She was behind everything.

" Bitch!!"

"Hehe, who knew that you could curse? Guess I should consider myself lucky to experience it…..

But since you knew about this other side of me, it will create trouble for me right? My whole reputation would be destroyed…"

Her eyes suddenly welled up with tears as she looked towards the window.

"I'm a very despicable human, aren't I? I made you suffer so much pain because of my selfish desires.."

What is she talking about? Why is she suddenly acting guilty for no reason?

"Isn't it better if I just end myself?"


Without waiting for any response she climbed over the window railing causing me to widen my eyes.

"Kushida-san what are you doing?"

"Killing myself."

Even though my mind wanted a sick traitor and an inhumane person like her gone, my morals and my body moved before my mind could ever register it.

"S-stop it Kushida-san!!!"

 I instantly grabbed her but felt myself off my feet as Kushida used my own momentum against me and threw me off the ledge off the window.

"Sike, you thought hahahahahahaha…"

As I was falling off from the window, the only thing that my ears could hear was her sick laugh as the words my brother said sprang up in my head.

"She is not a good influence for you, Suzune. Cut ties from her."

Haah I guess this is what I get for not listening to him. 

'Will this be the end? Am I really going to die? I don't want to die....I have a lot of things left to do....

I'll miss all of you… Dad, mom, nii-san… Hope all of you stay happy.'



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When I gained consciousness, I was shocked. I was alive..

It came to my knowledge that 2 of my ribs, one hand and one of my legs were broken and I suffered facial injury for which I have to do surgery…

'I guess this is what I get for being so gullible and arrogant…..'

My entire view towards the world changed…. Along with Physical Therapy, I started to attend Mental Therapy since my 'accident' was labelled as Suicide.

My parents took me out of the school as I homeschooled for my final year, before attending Advance Nurturing High School.

'I hoped that I never have to see the face of a traitor such as herself yet again ….

Unfortunately fate was not so kind to me…'

End of Chapter 38

Words  :  3134

Finally the past between the both of them was revealed.

I tried to make it as realistic and not overdramatic as possible, yet keeping the dark theme and the twistedness of Kushida.

Also, the reason her accident was labelled as a suicide was because Kushida herself called the teachers and said that she saw Horikita jump off the window. Also, they couldn't find it was  her since Horikita's uniform was filled Handprints from all the punches and beating she recieved... and blood mixing with it, makes it quiet difficult...

So, when Horikita was deemed alive, they dropped the whole investigation as she herself was too traumatised to say anything.

Anyways that's all for this chapter. See ya.


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