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At the end of every fic, I compile an extra chapter of little things that went into the making of the fic, such as inspiration, thoughts behind chapters, and some things that didn't make the final cut.

Here is that extra chapter!

-- I always had a headcanon that Melone was depressed. When figuring out how to work that into a fic where it was relevant, I thought about how I viewed my own depression, and how I constantly compare myself to others because of it. 
Melone of course would do the same, weighing his own troubles against someone else's, and beating himself up when he lost. 

-- Originally, I didn't even have an idea for (Y/n). I knew I wanted someone with a disability of some sort, because 1) you don't normally see it in fics, and 2) to show that someone's disability does not measure their capability. 

At first I thought, well, what if I made them mute? I already had a fic like that, though (not saying I wouldn't write someone mute again, but I was looking for something new), and then I thought about them being deaf. 

Of course I was already planning a different fic with a deaf mc so that was out of the window. And then I thought, "Ooh, what about a blind character?" and then pieced together (Y/n).

The process for figuring out their stand would take ages, however. Every time I pictured them and what they could do, it was always something different. Bats? Birds? A seeing-eye dog that was literally their eyes? And then boom, spiders.

They'd nearly not need their eyes in terms of finding prey as the vibrations against their web would expose somethings closeness. I thought, "Hey, isn't that neat?" and decided to use it. 

There was no sketching or designing of a stand since this was just a short fic, so you may imagine it how you please.

-- I've spared you all from the original ending I had in mind, but I will not spare you from its summary.

Melone was going to die from the start, I'm sure most of my long-time readers must've known as it's a bad habit of mine. But how his death would've been revealed was entirely different than what I gave you chapter 10.

Once all of la squadra died, or 'disappeared' as (Y/n) convinced themselves, they were transferred to the 'clean up' crew by risotto before he disappeared himself. 

I'm sure some might know where this is going.

They're called one day to pick up after someone else's mess, like usual, and go with a couple other people to a site to clean up. All is going as usual, cleaning the gory scene quickly so no one makes a fuss, when the nurse comes across a body.

As they hurry to help get rid of it, picking it up and carrying it to the truck to get disposed of, they notice how soft the body's hair is. They say to themselves, What beautiful hair, I'd run my fingers through it all day if I really could. 

It was Melone, if you couldn't guess, dear reader. They get rid of the body without ever really knowing and go on with their life, waiting for him to come back to them like he promised.

-- (Y/n)s mother remains missing

--I almost quit this fic a couple times, so thank you to those who commented and voted because you gave me the energy to see it to the end <3

-- (Y/n) accumulated a large tower of plushies gifted by Pesci and Risotto. It helps, sometimes, but the times it doesn't they can be found in a ball crying, buried beneath them.

-- This fic is apart of a mini series I'm doing! A fic for every member of the squad, (of course they're not only going to get one each, I love them too much for that!) So far, we have Ghiaccio, Prosciutto, Risotto, and now Melone! The Pros one is the only one besides this fic that's complete :/ 

(And, if it interests you all to know, the ghia and ris fics are going to be much longer than ten chapters, and the risotto fic is a male reader for all my male and masculine presenting readers <3)

-- Just going to remind you that Melone never got to confess, hope it hurts <3

-- Ghiaccio reads (Y/n) books when they get bored or lonely. It keeps him busy and gives them something nice to listen to. No horror books, though. Ghiaccio starts yelling at it when the characters do something stupid. 

-- There was supposed to be a chapter where (Y/n) and Melone went on a little picnic, or something like that. Because y/n couldn't see the stars shooting by, Melone would drag his finger across their arm every time one flew by. 

Of course, every time he did that, they would giggle from the feeling and wait for the next one. Then, when a whole shower of them came by, he took all of his hand and dragged it along their arm, running it down to hold their hand. Smooth bastard.

-- There was supposed to be more risotto and (Y/n) interaction, since I wanted a sort of older brother relationship between them, but again, it's a short fic, and mostly in Melones perspective. Just know that it's there.

-- There was supposed to be a bigger build-up/reveal of Illuso's torment. Again. It was a short fic, no space for that.

-- I'm going to be honest, this time there really was no inspiration. Nothing drove me to write the fic, but the urge to pay respects to la squadra was high, so I simply had to do something for Melone. After all, there's not too many fics out thereabout him in specific.

That's really all there is. This fic is something I just did on a whim, so there's not a lot of notes to mention here.

I really want to take a moment to make a few mentions here, these people really motivated me and kept my head up while writing something I was sure would fail. 









I know I don't normally do these kind of mentions and thanks, but these were the readers I recognized to support me to the very last chapter, and the people I am most grateful to for giving me the motivation to finish this fic

And to those I didn't mention, please know I'm still just as grateful to you as well, and whether I mention you or not will never change that. You helped me tremendously.

As always, I appreciate everyone's support and all the love you all have shown me, it truly does mean a lot. 

Go drink some water!! Reward yourself for doing a bit of reading today by keeping hydrated <3

Stay safe, love yourself, and goodnight!

~Trash Author

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