Chapter 3 ~ The Apology

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After class, I felt the guilt. My conscience is haunting me. I heard a voice saying: " Apologize to her...Apologize to her..." I don't know. I'm not that kind of person. Maybe the word  "sorry " is not in my vocabulary at all. But the voice got louder and louder. Am I being haunted by a ghost? Probably not, That voice might just be a product of my wild imagination. But still, the voice from nowhere continuously speak.

" Okay! Okay!  I'll apologize"

A girl saw me talking to myself, She might thought I'm a psycho. But it's alright, No one will believe her for sure, and it wasn't true anyway.

Walking through  the corridor, I remember the celebration for tomorrow. So just by then, I started calling friends, I invited them. I called the Pizza For the Gods for tomorrow's delivery of 25 pizza boxes, called Lala to buy sodas, juices, mineral waters, liquors and other beverages available at the Supermarket. I had visualized the party, It is a night full of music and lights,fun and entertainment. But there's still some things I forgot, the neon lights, the disco ball and some decorations, So I ask the chauffeur  to go to the mall and buy those stuffs. It wasn't his job anyway, But for sure he'll obey me. He don't wanna get fired, He is desperately in need of money, I'm sure. I have been calling for more than thirty minutes now, It's time for a rest , since my ears had heaten up already and my tongue had twisted. Futzing around, I decided to sit down for a while. I sitted in a bench near the gate, in case the chaffeur is already there. I rested and waited for the hours to pass.

" Uuuhhhmmm.....Good Morning! " I shouted in liveliness.

Huh? I just slept. I thought its another day again. How silly of me....It's dismissal now. Time to go. The chaffeur is already and had bought all the stuffs I need for the party. I grabbed my bag beside me and saw Troy passing by with two chicks accompanying him. He is probably going to the mall or cinema. He always go there after class. I wanted to joiin him, but  the party is not yet prepared for tommorow. I ran through the parking lot and sitted at the backseat of the limo.

On my way home, I stared outside the window again. Oh! I forgot the promise. "It's just alright" I said. The voice came back again, " Apologize, Apologize! " My conscience haunted me again. I decided to make my apology, So that the voice will stop.

" Can you please take me to the 3rd avenue? I needed to get there a soon as possible."

"Okay Sir Terrence." 

After few minutes of waiting, here I am at the 3rd Avenue, the boulevard where I expect Pennelope Sanchez  A.K.A "Dweeb" to live. I remember the exact position where she stands last morning, I headed to it and saw an apartment, It was an outmoded one, with broken windows and rusty roofs. " I can't believe she stays in this kind of junk ! " I excalimed in such indelicacy.

I knocked at the doorgently. And there she was, I handed an invitation for tomorrow's party and said. " Oh, That's an invitation for my celebration. Hope you can come.Uuuhhhmmm.....So-so-ooo-rrry about this morning. "

" Okay.  I'll come. It's alright. " She smiled with the excitement in her face.

She close the door. But I can hear her screams, Her overflowing excitement is painted all over her face as she closed the door.

 I wasn't going to said that. But my mouth forced me to. It was not so sincere. I never planned to invite her to my party either.

I got back to the limo and the chauffeur started driving again.

It was a tiring day and I look wasted, I wanted to sleep but the supper looks delicious, At the table were Roasted Chicken, Steak, Grilled Lobster, Pasta and a mushroom soup. It made me hungry. Before going upstairs to change my clothes, I first hit the table to eat. My dad arrive right after me, so we eated supper together. I had fun talking to dad about everything. On my memory, This is just the fifth time that weeat supper together since my mom died. I had enjoyed the meal that Lala had prepared for us and had finished my meal faster than before.

I walked upstairs to change my clothes and take a bath a little. After fifteen minutes inside the bathroom. I decamp with a towel around my hips to cover the danger zone. As I change pajamas, I looked at the mirror and imagined myself with her at the party. I ust laughed and said: " That would never happen...Never will..."  I watch TV  until midnight, because tomorrow  is weekend, that means the 6 o'clock habit of waking up is now abolished until Monday.Those hours of watching TV made my eyes ache a bit. Abruptly, I fell asleep in the couch near my bed.

Hey....readers! Thank you for supporting my online novel...In Chapter 4 the twist and turns will be there,,, keep reading and remember..Please comment...! XD


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