Gabriel x GN reader. (Warm hugs)

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My ass is really cold because i'm laying down in the floor of my room. And because my air isn't working -

The idea only came to my mind because it's really hot in my room... And in my brother room is cold so..

Why no make this a cold day story?.

You were in your house and it was, a cold day even the water was cold. Everyone was in their, house too and only some people were outside.

You wrapped yourself in some cozy and comfy blankets and pillows of your bed. And have some hot water.

Gabriel appeared infront of you smiling. His wings start moving and a light appeared for nowhere.

You just stared at him confused what do he need now from you. Maybe he just want to talk or stay there for the rest of the day.

Gabriel: Greetings dear Y/N.

Y/N: Oh hello Gabriel do you need something?.

Gabriel: Oh no don't worry darling i just came to stay with you.

He notice that you have some blankets and pillows but he can't feel cold or when it's hot.

Gabriel: Are you cold?

Y/N: Well it's cold outside and i'm only wearing a sweater and pants so.. yeah- i'm cold why the question?.

Gabriel: Oh ok then i think i can help you.

Y/N: Huh? Oh-

He was behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and put his wings around you to "protect" you.

He just smiled and rest your head in his chest. He just want you to be warm and safe.

Y/N: Oh i didn't know you like hugs Gabriel.

Gabriel: I just like to see you happy my angel.

You realized that his other side of his face was different. It was black and his smile and eyes were kinda creepy-.

Y/N: Gab-Gabriel..? What happend to your face?.

Gabriel: Oh this.? Well how may i say this i'm a alternate. But don't worry i would never hurt you my angel.

You didn't know if you could trust him. But you let him hug you.

"I know what's good for you.. I know what are you afraid of.. i know what you like"

Gabriel: Do you know how much i love you?.

Y/N: Thanks Gabriel.

He kiss your hand and grab it.

He was playing with your emotions and your thoughts. He want you to be safe in his way.

You just hugged him back and he just continue hugging you with his weird smile in his face.

He stay like that with you in his arms for a few hours until he get bored and change the position.

Y/N: Hey Gabriel can we go for some water? I'm thirsty.

Gabriel: Actually i have some water here.

Y/N: Oh well thanks Gabriel.

Gabriel: No problem dear.

You drink the water and it was cold because of the ice.

Gabriel: Are you warm in my arms?.

Y/N: Actually yes.

Gabriel: I'm glad to hear that.

You were curious about his face why it was black and his eyes and mouth were different.

So you brought your hand to his face and try to see because his hair was covering some part of his face.

But he grab your hand and put it in his face. It was kinda weird to touch it but nothing more worse.

He doesn't like when people touch him or hug him. But you can for a some weird reaosn.

Your touch makes him feels special.
He didn't want you to leave he want to stay with you.

Y/N: Huh? It's feels weird..

Gabriel: Mhm i know but your touch makes me feel..

Gabriel: You are too sweet and fragile for this cruel and horrible world.. why i don't keep you for myself?.

Gabriel: Don't you agree my angel~?

He whisper to your ear smiling. You just looked somewhere and drink some water that he give you.

Y/N: And if we do something else?.

Gabriel: Huh? Like what.

He asked confused staring at you.

Y/N: And if we watch something in my TV-

The TV was broke. Literally it was in pieces because gabriel didn't know what it was that and break it.

Y/N: Ok nevermind i think it's better to stay in my bed and do something else-

Gabriel: If you say so angel.

You just sit in your bed and Gabriel sit next of you. It was already night. When he came it was only starting to be night.

He just hug you from behind and put his head in your shoulder.

He likes when you touch his face or hair. So he grab your hand and put it there so you can touch it.

(👀📷 Say hello to the camera Cuushi)

Well he likes everything you do hugs , touch or affection.

Y/N:Eh- Gabriel Do you want me to do something?.

Gabriel: Actually.. i just want to feel your hands touching my skin.

Y/N: What..?

Gabriel: I need you..

He just give you his creepy smile and carry you. He notice that your house has another window but in a high place.

You stared at him and notice what he was going to do.


He jump toward the window and start flying. You and him were now flying in the sky but your eyes were closed.

Gabriel face was creepy again and he just blushed a bit and smiled.

Gabriel: Don't be afraid sweetheart i'm not gonna let you down.

Y/N: Uh..

You opened your eyes and look down. Everything was small now. You grab him from the neck only if in case he let you fall.

Y/N: It's kinda small the Town in this angle.

Gabriel: Mhm.. look infront dear.

You looked infront and saw the moon more closer. (No you are not in the moon)

Y/N: Wow.. it's kinda beautiful when it's night.

Gabriel: Yes but no more than you my angel.

He kissed your cheek and go back to your house.

You were already in your house. You feel two arms hugging you. It was Gabriel he put some, blankets under your body and put his wings around.

Y/N: Huh.? Gabriel.

Gabriel: Don't worry i'm gonna stay here until you wake up.


Cesar: Hey Gabriel do you know where is Mark?.

Gabriel: Oh well-

Gabriel: Let's just say he is.. burned.

Cesar: What-

With Mark.

Mark: I think i'm making the eggs bad-

Jonah: Mark- you haven't even turned on the stove..

Mark: Oh-

Mandela Catalogue /One Shots) GN (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now