??? x GN reader ("Wanna join or group?") pt 1.

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(i'm studying for my exams and group projects if you see that i'm not making a new chapter)

I actually wanna do this after my exams but since i have time today i will make one.

(Actually it's of the 4- Adam , Jonah , Cesar and Mark i wanted to make something new-)

(👀🔪 I didn't go to school today since i feel weird-)

Ok let's start from the beginning-

You lived in a city where some kind of events passed that often. But until that time everything was normal. Until you find a group of friends.

One day you we're walking on your own thoughts until one of them hit himself with the streetlight.

"Cesar the streetlight-"

"Huh?.- what light-

💭"That should hurt a bit maybe-"


"Damn-.. i don't see still- who is even talking-"

"Mm.. are you gonna hold my hand to stand up-?"

"Oh! Yes sorry for taking so long- to realize haha!-"

"My name is Cesar.. Cesar torres!"

The other 3 Friends realized that they we're going to introduce themselfs.

"Mark heathcliff-"

"And me Jonah Marshall and my friend! Adam!"

"Adam murray."

"That's the same-"

"Yeah but you forgot my surname".

"That's not important Adam. We are just saying or names!"

"But i wanna say my name.. and you didn't let me even say a word-"

"And that's not necessary!"

Jonah covered Adam mouth so he couldn't say anything else.

"... Hmph.."

"Well! What's your name anyways?"

"Y/N.. Yes.. My name is Y/N! Nice to meet you too! Is your friend okay-?"

"Nah i'm perfectly don't worry! I had worse times than this-"

"Well it was nice to talk with you guys but i have to-"



"Would you like to have a walk with us? We don't have too much to do actually-"

"Maybe later.? I mean i can give you my number if you want so we can hang out later if you want -"

"Of course i will like to hang out! Anytime"

You write your phone number on Cesar arm and Adam writted the other ones number and his on your hand.

"Well.. then see you later!"

"Bye see you later too!"

"Good thing that it wasn't a sharpie-"

(Tries to erase it)


"Well it was a permanent marker."

"Then it would be difficult yo erase it.. haha- haha.."

Mandela Catalogue /One Shots) GN (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें