"Let's go back to my place. I run into the market on the way, and I'll make dinner or something." I say. "Unless, of course, you have plans."

"Plans with who?" He teases, pressing a kiss to my nose.

"I don't know." I say, pulling away from him. "Come on, let's go!"

  I move to the drivers door, holding out my hand.
  "Keys," I say simply, and he stares at me.

  "I'm sorry, what?"

"I want to drive." I clarify, reaching out my hand insistingly.

He grumbles, reaching his hand into his pocket, pulling out his keys.
"I swear, if you crash my truck—"

"I'm not going to crash your truck." I assure him, clambering into the drivers seat. I am too far away from the wheel, and I sit on the edge of the seat.

  "Changed your mind yet?" Iceman asks, and I frown.

"How do you move this thing?" I ask, tugging on the wheel. He laughs, and I glare at him.

"You're adorable." He says, reaching across the center divider to move the wheel forward.


I stand at the stove, dumping the bag of bow tie pasta in the simmering water.

"What time is it?" I ask Tom, moving a across the kitchen to grab a spatula.

"4:11, babe." Tom replies, and I see him stand from the corner of my eye.

As I stand, stirring the pasta, he places his hands on my waist, his breath fanning out across my neck.

"Do you need any help?" He asks. I sigh, spinning around. He smirks down at me, and I huff.

"Maybe not distracting me?" I say, only partly teasing. "I could find a way to burn water. I'm not a cook."

"Then let me help." He says earnestly, picking the spatula up from the counter. "Go do something else."

I wiggle out of his grasp, moving towards the bag of groceries on the counter.

I pull out a can of pre-made tomato sauce, placing it on the counter next to him and digging around in the cupboards in search of a small pot.

I find a small blue one in cabinet in the corners of the room, pulling it out and placing it on the stove next to him.
We work in a comfortable silence, happy just to be In each other's presence.


  I let out a sigh, placing two plates of pasta on the table.

  I hear the Tom move behind me, setting forks on the table. I quickly move to grab glasses of water, and he grabs the small bowl of salad.

"I know why people eat out," I say as I place the cups on the table.

"Because they are like you and have no cooking talent?" He asks, sitting down.

"Yes," I say, plopping down across from him. "Wait, no—"

He laughs, and I grin at him, beginning to eat.

"I talked to Viper today," I say casually, taking a sip of my water. He raises his eyebrows, putting some greens on his plate.

"Did they finally find you a RIO who isn't a sexist asshole?" He asks. I frown, grabbing my fork.

"No, actually, I volunteered to become a temporary RIO. I'm starting my training tomorrow." I say. He looks up at me, his blue eyes searching my face.

"You can't be serious." He says, resting his elbows on the table. I swallow at his sudden change of demeanor.

"I am seriously." I say, never breaking eye contact. "Maverick needs a RIO, and since no one is willing to fly with me—"

"Hold on, Maverick?" He says, anger rising in his tone. "You want to become a RIO for the guy who's RIO just died?"

"Yeah," I say, startled by his tone.

He glares at me, standing up. The chair creaks across the floor.

"You aren't flying with him." He snaps.

"Says who?" I snap back, standing as well. "I need to get back in the air if I want to graduate TopGun."

"As a RIO?" He asks, throwing his hands in the air. "With a man who flies dangerously?"

"So this isn't about me being a RIO." I say, my voice rising. "This is about Maverick."

"Of course it is!" He explodes, slamming his hand on the table. "I don't like the idea of you flying with him!"

  "You are just jealous!" I explode, angry. "You are just jealous that you will never be as good of a Pilot as Pete Mitchel!"

  "I just don't want you to Die!" He yells.


  We are both quiet, staring at each other. His chest rises and falls with anger, and he runs his hand through his hair.

"I'm going to go." He says angrily, grabbing his jacket off my chair.

"Tom..." I say, my mouth dry. He frowns at me.

"If I stay, I will end up hurting you." He says, slinging his jacket over his shoulder.

"See you tomorrow, Ashley." He says, striding out of the kitchen, his untouched food left on his plate.

I swallow, sitting down putting my head in my hands. My heart is still thumping in my chest, feeling as if I might break in two.

"Hey, hon." Mrs. Evelyn says, and I sit up, staring at her. She has Ugene tucked under her arm, and she gives me a weary smile.

"I screwed up." I say, putting my head back in my hands.

"He did, too." She says, moving into the kitchen and placing a hand on my arm. "Don't blame yourself."

She looks around the kitchen, at the pasta and sauce on the stove and the dishes in the sink. She clicks her tongue, looking down at me.

"Are you hungry?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"Not really," I admit, my stomach tossing.

"I'll clean up." She says, placing the cat in my arms.

"No, I've got it," I say, standing. She shakes her head, and Ugene places his head in the crook of my neck.

"I insist." She says, smiling. "Go to bed."

Mrs. Evelyn is an Angel. 😭

Thanks guys!


Osprey: A Topgun FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora