"Yeah?" The boy sighed walking into the living room.

"Would you change and meet me out back? I want to paint your portrait first." The mother smiled lovingly at her son.

"Why me?"

"Cause everyone else has things to do." She shrugged.

"I have things to do, too, Mom." Conrad replied bitterly.

"I think you can spare a few hours for your mother, hmm?"


"Great." Susannah grinned. "I'll see you outside in ten?"

"See you there."

"Put on something nice." Susannah yelled as she watched Conrad disappear up the stairs.

It didn't take long for Susannah to set up everything she needed to paint. She decided to do Conrad's portrait out on the dock. By the time she was done setting everything up her oldest child had finished changing and was waiting for her.

"You ready?" The blonde woman questioned.

"I guess." Conrad shrugged taking a seat.

There were a few minutes of awkward silence as Susannah began to paint. Conrad tried his hardest to pay attention to anything other than his mother.

The boys feelings were all over the place. Sometimes he hated his mother for keeping such a big secret from him and his brother. But other times he felt bad for her. He could see how much the sickness was affecting her recently and it broke his heart.

"So... how's Violet?" Susannah questioned breaking the silence.

"Mom, can we not do this?" Conrad asked annoyed. He just wanted to get his portrait done and over with. "You asked me to come sit for this portrait, and I'm here, and I'm sitting, and I'm more than happy to be here, but can we not make this, like, a bonding experience, please?"

"Well, excuse me for trying to connect with my son before he leaves for a year." She sighed continuing to paint. "Violet looked really nice in her dress." When she didn't receive any reaction from the boy she continued. "Look, if you want to spend your summer moping around, I can't stop you, but no more sleeping till 2:00, no more day drinking. I want you doing something productive. You're getting a job."

"Sure." Conrad agreed wanting her to stop talking.


The car ride to the country club was silent. Violet nervously tapped her foot as she watched the trees go by. Laurel offered to drive the girls to the club. Susannah would have tagged along but she wanted to paint.

Violet's eyes widened at the sight of the large building in front of them. She had absolutely no idea where they were supposed to go for this tea party or whatever it was. The Montgomery girl was praying that Belly knew her way around.

"Thanks, Mom." Belly smiled as she and Violet exited Laurel's car.

"Sure." The woman nodded nervously. "Girls? I just want you both to know that if you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is bad, you can text me. I promise I won't say I told you so."

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