Beating the Shit out of

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Izuku flew towards Antarctica while breaking a lot of sound barriers.  As he lands down among penguins.  He sees a lot of penguins roaming around.  As suddenly Homelander lands right infront of him.

Homelander: Ahhh the Mysterious Hero. I thought you would chicken out. But you surely didn't kid.

As he walks near Izuku.

Homelander:I am what you will call a true hero. A hero unbeatable.  And the unbeatable hero doesn't want anybody to stand in his spotlight. And you my friend oh ho ho ho you did the wrong thing. And surely your family will pay for this.

Izuku: I don't know what you're talking about Homelander. But you ain't no true hero. You killed a lot of victims that you tried to save and also killed a lot of Villains.

Homelander smiles evily .

Homelander:Ohhh ho ho you are wrong my friend.  They didn't listen to me so I had to quiet them down.

Izuku:Well that didn't bring you any good to your popularity.

Homelander: You know I had a fan who was crippled and was training in Vought . He was blind and had super ears or something.  He tried to impress me with his skills. But I wasn't impressed.  I did a test on him what would happen if I bang his ears with my hands. And do you know what happened to him?

Izuku: He died isn't it.

Homelander: He sure did. ( As Homelander was about to punch Izuku when Izuku punched him in the waist making him go fly into a glacier)

As Homelander struggles to get out of the glacier. Izuku flew right infront of him.

Izuku:You shouldn't try to mess with others with whom you can't compete.

As Izuku was about to fly away he was hit by  lasers in the back. He looked behind to see that Homelander did it.

Homelander:Hehe.. You're a tough fish aren't you!(as he tries to laser him again)

But this time the laser went to his right . Homelander was confused as why did it go that way.  When he looked at Izuku he understood it was his doing.  As Izuku used his telekinesis to make the laser go to another direction.

Izuku:You're messing with the wrong person Homelander. Stop your foolishness before it costs you your life.

Homelander: Heh you trying to scare me kid . Brat I do that to everyone.  You are nowhere near me .(As he Flys right at Izuku to hit him with a powerful punch)

But Izuku catches it right on time.

Homelander:Now you're making me angry kid!

Izuku:You don't know what is true anger you Bully.

As Homelander starts punching Izuku in the face and each impact making huge Shockwaves . But Izuku was unscathed and didn't even flinch.

Homelander: Why are you not breaking into mush?!

As Izuku catches Homelanders hands making him stop.

Izuku:You are strong for a human but not strong enough to make me even flinch.(He said with an emotionless face)

Homelander was now furious he was supposed to be God like.

Homelander: You Fucking fuck!!! I will kill you and give your family a painful death!!! Ahhhhh!!!! (As he tries to burn Izuku with his laser eyes)

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