17. The Last Crystal

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The joy of their reunion was short-lived. As soon as San had retreated with Wooyoung into the room overgrown with even more ice than last time, his trembling hands lost all tension and fell from the boy. Wooyoung turned, delighted to embrace him and know him safe, but San crumbled under his hands. From one moment to the next, and utterly unlike his prior terrifying presence, he collapsed onto the floor.

Wooyoung fearful cry made the mob outside shiver as they searched for something solid to break down the reinforced door. They were almost afraid to open the room and release the beast.

Uncaring of Yunho's and Yeosang's calls for his name and their hammering on the door, Wooyoung fell to the ground with San. He cradled his head, skimmed his body with frenzied fingers, but he found no ailments. Fear restricted his heart, as the faceless shadow provided him with no peace of mind.

"Are you hurt? San, talk to me!" It was impossible to tell if he was injured or how his expression looked under the mask.

San gave a weak groan. He shook his head, but his hands quivered as they clung to Wooyoung.

"My time... Ran out. Just as they arrived. I waited for you," he whispered.

Not understanding, Wooyoung glanced at the hourglass, the only thing in the castle that could tell the time. He was startled to see it was on its last few grains, and they raced through the glass with dreadful speed.

"No! What time; what happened? I'm so sorry for being late, please forgive me! Tell me what I can do to help! Where are the others?" No matter his terror, San stayed lax. His coldness seemed abnormal, even in the frozen room.

Outside, fists banged against the door. Their calls for Wooyoung's name were shrill in horror.

"The curse... It had a deadline all along. If I didn't find a way to break it in the seven years she gave me, I..." San coughed as if his heart was in pain. His hand clutched at his shadowy chest, and Wooyoung reached for the same spot in panic. Hot tears filled his eyes, as he couldn't reassure his lover.

"I would die. Unloved, unwanted, shunned by my people," San finished with a rattling breath. "I sent the others to hide. I couldn't bear having them see this."

"You won't die! I will save you! See, I'm here, your servants are here, too! People adore you! Please, this breaks the curse, no? Isn't it enough?" Weeping, Wooyoung lifted San's hand to his face. He kissed those icy knuckles, but they didn't warm under his touch.

San chuckled, fond though broken.

"I appreciated your love a lot, though it seems it wasn't what the faery wanted of me. Thank you for being with me, Wooyoung. Thank you for teaching me beautiful things and for showing me how bright life could be."

"No, no!" Wooyoung called in a mantra. His desperate hands grasped at San, but they slid through him as if through pure smoke. The beast lost its shape as the curse lifted with its life force.

"No, I won't allow it! I will hold you back! I will find that faery and drag her here to stop it; you just need to hold out!"

San's hands that reached for him were delicate, though they didn't tremble. He was at peace, as he soothed Wooyoung even in his dying moments.

"You are so kind, Wooyoung. My knight in shining armour, isn't it? You would have made a better prince than I. Just and loving to those around him." Another cough shook him up and Wooyoung's tears dripped into the mass of black that he was.

The ice in the room creaked as it took over even the last corner. Faster than a shooting star, the grains of San's life flew away as if glad to end it finally.

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