16. Raiding the Castle

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Wooyoung ran through the forest as if chased by the forces of evil. Though what spurred him might be far worse than any devil that could have latched onto him. His fear of what might happen to San if he arrived even a second too late was stifling. It robbed him of the panted breath that escaped his lungs in icy clouds and it had his heart constrict in his chest.

Yeosang was with him, the kindest protector and friend Wooyoung ever had. As they chased between the looming tree trunks and the treacherous thicket, Yeosang didn't doubt for a second whose side he took in this matter that didn't directly concern him.

The crowd of people was far ahead of them. In the time it took the two men to stumble their way through the forest, the angry mob had long since arrived and crowded the castle on the hill with their weapons. The foreboding light of their torches illuminated the night. As if unable to bear the gruesome sight about to unfold at the castle, the stars hid away from it.

Wooyoung willed his legs to run faster. Every bit the snow slowed him seemed enormous, and he wanted to cry because he wouldn't be there on time. Inwardly, he cursed at the entire world in a way he had never done before. He cursed at the townsfolk who so foolishly followed Yunho, cursed Yunho for his selfish arrogance, and cursed himself for not being fast enough.

Behind him, Yeosang panted as he kept up despite his illness. The temperatures wouldn't bode well for his health, but Wooyoung didn't have any room left in his mind to be worried about that. He had to run faster, even faster.

By the time they made it to a clearing at the foot of the hill that cradled the castle, Wooyoung picked up on the noise in the distance. The townsfolk had crowded around the castle as they tried to find a way in. Angry fists hammered at doors and windows, challenging the beast to show its face.

Wooyoung didn't understand why San didn't act. He surely could scare them away with a subtle trick, right? Or had he hidden so they would give up their search? If Wooyoung got there soon, he might be able to convince them that the castle was long abandoned and he had got locked in at his own fault.

However, the wood of the backdoor burst open under the men's brutal hands before he could finish such thoughts. Yunho's triumphant cry echoed through the forest.

"Let's go find the monster! I will have its head!" He called and with him, the cheerful villagers crowded inside.

"No!" Wooyoung yelled, out of breath, but nobody heard him. Their blood lust took every shred of humanity away from them as they followed the warmonger into the castle.

Wooyoung threw a hurried gaze over his shoulder. His feet sunk into the thick layer of snow. Behind him, Yeosang struggled, but he kept up.

"Onwards. So far, nothing is lost," he heaved with red cheeks.

More thankful than he had ever been, Wooyoung pushed ahead and scaled the slippery path up the hill. The trees supported him and launched his step as if they, too, were afraid for San.

The villagers raided the castle without regard for what it was. Even outside, the crashing of furniture and vases could be heard as they shattered everything in their blind rage. Wooyoung flinched at every noise, dreading it might be a scream. He hoped the feux follet had hidden well, and that San kept them safe.

After what felt like an eternity, the agitated duo arrived at the open gates. The cast iron was wrung open and thrown aside as not even an open door had stopped Yunho and his evildoers. Even the snow was muddy from the many feet that had crossed it and Wooyoung slipped twice as he hurried to the broken back door.

The kitchen was a mess. Pots that Jongho had stirred in so passionately were dented and strewn over the floor. The doors had been ripped off their cabinets, and San's expensive dishes that had travelled from a far country to be his present lay shattered across the room.

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