Part five:the awkwardness of highschool

Start from the beginning

We walk into the front foyer to get tickets and stand in the line,it's oddly busy for a Friday afternoon."I'll think about it then okay?" I asked I think I'd be willing to go with her.

"Two tickets to unfriended please" Cat said pulling out a men's wallet I had to hold back a chuckle as I distinctly Remember her stating how she hates nice dresses and purses so she used wallets and wears skirts instead.

"Y-Yeah sure give me a second" the guys said staring at her blushing slightly and fumbling around and holy fuck are you serious."Would you want to like hangout some time like maybe tonight?" The guy asked her as in standing right here,Cat had a smirk on her face "well depends could my boyfriend come to?we could have a slumber party" she said,I automatically stood up straighter when she said 'boyfriend' so did the guy as she looked at me and I stood directly behind her and wrapped my hands around her.

"You like mean girls?I have it on blue ray" I said laughing so did the guy he said "sorry man I didn't know you guys where together" see he was a chill guy Cat slammed down a twenty and grabbed the tickets and walked through he other two doors "why didn't you let me pay?" I asked she looked at me and said "it's not fair to ask you to pay and I invited you out today" she said handing the tickets guy the tickets he ripped them and said "theater 12 to your right" he said and handed the stubs to her we walked to the concessions "what do you want" Cat said looking at me "I'm good I ate a big lunch I said" I had actually smoked instead she looked at me and said "more like smoke and skipped lunch I saw you hemmings don't lie" and walked up to the girl and said "two cokes and a large popcorn" she payed the lady and we went into the theaters and I almost busted out laughing at the groups of young teens who think they're hot shit with there girlfriends even though their moms drove them. We went to our seats and got situated and the movie began.It was decent not too scary but not dumb it was ok but the pre-pubescent teens yelling started giving me a headache and I thought Catarina would get scared but she looked almost bored by the film and as we got back to my car she said.

"It's 4:45 want to go to my house?" And i nodes and asked for directions she looked almost nervous about me going there so I started to get worried and as she started directing me to the west Sydney areas I realized she lived in a multi-million dollar house.She looked embarrassed about it honestly and I don't know why.We finally got to the part where there was at least an acre between them she got me to a gated off area where there was so much room you couldn't see the house around the trees and we drive to the gate where she told me " hit 18050" and I tapped the numbers and the gates opened and I drive I looked in the rear view mirror and saw them closing and I drive down the black driveway where a large white marble house stood tall with many windows and a black Lamborghini sat in the front and I assumed it was Ashton's.I parked in the circular driveway and got out so did Cat.

"So what does your dad do?" I asked jokingly.She looked at me and said "I don't know he's never around" I stopped joking then."well shit okay" I said and then she started laughing saying it was okay and such.she knocked on the large white oak doors with little golden door knocks I looked at the potted plants on booth sides of the doors trying to figure out what the hell her dad did to make this much money.

Suddenly the doors where pulled opened by Ashton he was wearing a dark gray suit and had a bandana on her head pushing the curls back.

"You know you should technically just now be finishing school" she said shaking his head and letting us into the house he closed the door and I looked at the black marble floors and how clean it was."Bella you know the rules keep your bedroom door open Lisa just made lunch it's in the kitchen are you coming tonight?" He asked she looked at me and I nodded I wanted to go the the party "yeah we are what time are we leaving?" She asked he looked excited "seven probably and Aliahs coming home with me tonight" he said his face lighting up as he walked/almost skipped "Aliahs his girlfriend she's a college student so it's hard for them to see each other a lot that's why we got to the frat parties" she explained and walked down a corridor and into another hall me following close behind until we made it to what I assume is the informal dining room she stopped and said "did he say the kitchen?" I nodded and she went to one door and opened it and I followed her into the the large room.It was extremely clean and well done with all new appliances and God what does her dad do "would you like some pizza?" She said shoving it towards me it looked nice with chopped tomatoes and fresh mozzarella cheese and basil leaves and was on a wooden cooking base.

I took a piece and so did she and it was really good like professional good."who made this" I asked "Lisa she cooks and cleans for us" and I are a little more until she started towards a...closet?" I assume no wait shits it's an elevator actually we stepped in and she pressed the third floor as there where 5 Floors we started to ascend them.she opened the the doors I was met with a dark cherry floors and white walls with black and white Ansel Adams pictures and we walked until we hit the last doors and she opened it I Assumed this was her room as they walls where a pastel purple and heather grey color with artworks hanging from the walls and there was a desk and a side table next to her four post bed.She started looking through a huge closet and said "I'm going to change because I won't fit in very well wearing this at a frat party" and with that she stepped inside and changed I could hear music playing and my Ming filled with what she would wear as I had only seen her in skirts and dresses the entire year eventually she walked out and my breath left me.She had on a pair of denim ripped shorts with little decals on the back pockets and a floral crop top showing off an inch of her stomach and a pink flannel tied around her waist she had her hair in loose curls and she took me hand and brought me to an ensuite bathroom where there where's a lot of products she hopped into the sink and started applying makeup which is something I've never seen her wear and didn't know how to feel about she couldn't get her eyeliner even and I said" give to me I'll help" and she turned around and handed the gel liner to me and closed her eyes and I added a little more length to her left and grabbed a light pink channel Lipstick and dabbed it on the entire time I focused my eyes away from hers as they stared at me.She grabbed a pair of vans and walked down the states where ashton stood in a pair of black skinny jeans and a green day cutoff shirt showing off her muscular arms he smirk and said "I have the Jeep today in driving" and we left and as I stepped into his black Jeep I smelled a girls perfume "what girls been in here?" I said laughing he blushed as he drove past the gates "my girlfriend,Aliah,really likes this car and she wears perfume all the time so it just in here now" and after that we all just let the radio play until it started getting dark and we started getting into the college district and then we parked and I could hear and feel the music and we walked to the front of a frat house where I must say was the craziest party I had ever seen.What had i gotten myself into.

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