Start from the beginning

Five raised an eyebrow at this, "then maybe she is not a powered person like us." Five stated as his face was in a clear state of thought. "That probably means that her mother had a normal pregnancy and she was born on the same day as us."

"That makes sense." Lila nodded when Luther gasped,

"When I was kidnapped by the sparrows I overheard Bella talking to Ben about her father." Luther explained to the as all their eyes widened.

"Bloody hell." Lila groaned as Viktor said "holy shit"

"Y'know I still can't believe you and Bellatrix are destined to be together in every universe. Soulmates!" Lila laughed as everyone looked between the two in shock.

"Fuck no." Allison muttered as she groaned.


Bellatrix stood beside Grace, Ben, Fei and Christopher in front of the kugelblitz as they were about to attempt putting Grace's eyes inside it. To see what is on the other side.

"Why have you brought me before my god?" Grace asked,

"Your right eye, give it to me." Ben ordered,

"What are you doing?" Grace was quick to ask,

"If we want to beat this thing, first we need to understand it." Bellatrix shrugged as Ben nodded along. In no time at all Grace had clasped the eye and took it out of her head a pulled it towards the Kugelblitz.

"It's time to see what's on the other side." Ben stated as Bellatrix felt this was going rather slow and boring.

"Could you be any more faster?" Bellatrix said sarcastically and impatiently as she waited for the eye to go in. She didn't have a problem with grace, she just thought she was a bit crazy and wasn't that close to her so she didn't mind anything that happened. Plus she's a robot so...

When Bellatrix realised Grace hadn't gone faster she harshly took the eye out of her had and began moving it toward the Kugelblitz. In a mere 2 seconds she threw the eyeball in as the ball of light started to act crazy and they all quickly backed away. A wave of energy emitted from it as the ground shook but only for a mere second.

Ben and Fei quickly caught a falling grace as Bellatrix was lost in her thoughts, "Well we just killed a few more hundred people, see you in hell." She shrugged as she walked away, Christopher quickly followed her and asked if they wanted to watch a movie, of course she said yes. The three other remaining sparrows couldn't help but see a change in Bellatrix ever since the deaths of their siblings.

She was more angry, agitated, annoyed. It was as if she hated almost everything and was becoming very negative as her powers kept acting up. It was strange to see their sister like this, she was usually the one who had funny sarcasm and jokes and would always take care of her siblings. Ben wasn't going to try and "fix her" because she might not want to be fix, but he knew he would do everything in his power to make her happy.


It was late at night and bellatrix looked blankly infromt of her as some rock music played in the background, she was laying down on her back on her bed. The room was quite large, larger then all the other siblings ones, the right wall was filled to the brim with books as it was a built-in book case. On the part wall as bed, it was a queen double and had silky black sheets, the other walls in her room were a dark black brick that had paintings and posters of hell and the devil as one wall had a human skull on it. There was a small table, it had all sorts of weird stuff on it, like a typewriter, a record player, some old parchment with a black feather quill and a ink pot. It seemed everything was very old and vintage in the room. Although the main part was the floor. There was a large circle, outlined with sand and in the middle there were weird rune type drawings and symbols made out of what looked to be blood, on the outskirts of the circle was pins, the sharp side facing up. To be completely honest the room was quite scary when all of a sudden someone had jumped inside.

"What the fuck." Bellatrix cursed as a song by Metallica was playing loudly and she looked over to see five who was scanning her room, "the fuck are you doing here?!" She yelled standing up as he smiled at her, she was quite angry at his family, making her angry at him as she used her powers to send him flying into the wall.

He groaned as he looked at her, his eyes a centimetre away from a pin as he quickly stood up, "What the hell was that for?! This room is a health hazard and why is it so bit."

"Father loves me the most. Now what do you want." She hissed with a glare as he put his hands up in surrender.

"Do you know a monkey by the name pogo?" He asked, it was a name she hadn't heard in ages as memories filled her mind. Good memories.

"How do you know pogo, she asked him as she walked through the nails all the way over to him. Five winced as her feet had blood.

"How are you not in pain right now?" She just shrugged before he spoke again, "Anyway your coming with me to find him. He may be more willing to speak if there is someone there he knows."

Bellatrix huffed out an agreement as the two climbed out her window and he space jumped them down to the ground before they took off to some motorbike gang club.


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