Vlog 2: A Singal for Help?

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Uzi's POV

Okay, I don't know what the hell just happened or how did it happened? But the only thing that got my attention....was the message on the screen. " "S.O.S Planet Earth?" What does that mean?" Y/N questioned. "Either it was just a fluke or there could something else other than biological life is out there." Marmalade said. "Wait...how can that be even possible? There's nothing else out there other than us." V said.

"Then how you explain about the same radio waves from different timelines, the signal on the screen and now and most of our technology, including us are glitching unexpectedly?" I questioned. "There has be an answer but what?" I then noticed on one of the screens changing into a different part of some landscape. "Now, what is that? A piece of some land or something?" Y/N questioned. "Well, could be a way where the another species are or it could be use for something." N said.

"If we're gonna end up in some sort of goose chase with the different species, then I'm not having it." V said as she leaves the room. "Oh, come on, V! You choose our side, able to stop an insane killer owner of JCseson who was about turn everyone into a murder drones to be his control over a year ago and you're scared to meet another species?" I said as I followed her. "This can be a crazy and new adventure ahead of us if you just come along."

"Again, I'm not going on some death adventure that's costed us our lives. Or robotic lives." V said. "Fine! Then I'm going!" Y/N exclaimed. "Y/N, you can't be serious right now. You've almost die a few times on events like this." She said. "V, I survived that frozen, ice style planet, didn't died of blood loss when my arm was chopped off, survived from the stab in the chest and my cyborg is mixed with my blood. So, what's your excuse?" They questioned.

"Exactly, one more accident and you're done!" "Guys, even though it's been a while since our last adventure, but this could be a game changer when we meet a new species. Even when it is stupid." I said.

Narrator POV

But she crossed your arms and didn't give in. "Okay, you know what? Let's put a vote to it. Those who are up for it, raise your hand." You said as you raise your hand, along with N and then Uzi's. "Oh, now, I have to raise my hand." V said before Uzi grabs her arm and raise it. "Fine, fine, I'll go. But it's the last time that I'm doing this." She said. "Alright! So, I let me get B, R and Doggo and we'll be ready!" N exclaimed as he rush down the hallway.

"While he's doing that, lets have some fun with this mysterious species...What or Who really is it?"


You were sitting on top of the building while staring at night sky with the stars. You begin to remember all the memories that you had with your friends and family...well, most of your family. "I wish Y/S/N was here to see this." You whispered under your breath. "So, after this time and a year passed, you're still feeling down?" You turn and see Uzi standing behind. "Hey, it's not my fault that everyone starts respecting you after they find out." You replied.

"Well, sure but there's a lot to discover other than this?" She said. "I mean, how many stars are out there? It could be infinite!" "Or millions of suns but very far away." You said but you saw one that was getting a bit brighter than others. "Expect for that's getting...a bit..close." "Is that natural for space?" Uzi asked. "If it's a shooting star that's strangely getting closer and closer..." You said then the star came down and then hit the far off side of the city, creating a loud boom.

"Yeah...I don't think that was a star." She said. Your robotic arm starts beeping until you pressed the button to show map to where the landing of...whatever it was.

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