Chapter Eighty Two

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Wandas POV

Her voice sends a shiver down my spine. The authority in her tone gives me goosebumps, even though it's not directed at me.

Then her ice blue eyes are on mine.

And there's a flicker of something there. I want to say it's love, adoration, longing, but that could just be wishful thinking.

She isn't moving or saying anything. It's like I was Medusa and she couldn't help but turn to stone under my gaze.

While hope was fluttering in my chest and I was melting under her gaze, she was turning to stone.

I am desperate for her to say something to me, anything. To walk over to me and wrap me in her arms. To take me back.

Again, wishful thinking.

Do I do it? Do I read her mind? Find out what she really thinks of me? How she's processing this?


And not just because it would be wrong and I'd risk any chance of ever getting her back, but because I may break at whatever she's thinking about me; I don't know if I have it in me to hear her think about how much she despises me, that her love for me is gone.

"Everybody, back to work. Now."

"But, cap, I don't think it's the-"

"I said back to work. Don't question me, Andrew."

"Yes, boss," he mumbles before they all walk away.

But not without sending glares my way.



                                      Alex's POV

Hearing a bunch of commotion, I had followed the noise to the front of the station.

I jokingly told the crew to get back to work.

Until I saw her.

My eyes met hers in some kind of stand off.

I couldn't look away.

And all these emotions came flooding through me; anger and hurt and betrayal and.. love. And I wish it didn't. I wish I didn't still feel it for her, but I do. Undoubtedly.

It's part of why I've stayed so far away from her; I didn't know how long my resolve would last when I saw her.

And now we're about to find out.

But cat still has my tongue.

She's just., standing there. Looking at me like a lost puppy. Like she's waiting for my next move.

Oh fuck. She isn't reading my mind, is she?

No. She wouldn't do that.

Fuck, Alex. You need to say something.

"What-" voice cracked. Try again, "what are you doing here?" I cross my arms to get in a defensive stance.

"I just wanted to talk, to try and explain. Please-"

"There isn't anything left to say. I think your actions spoke for you. And your lack of communication before said plenty." I'm attempting to say it void of all emotion.

"Alex.. I never meant for any of this to happen. I never thought we'd end up together, that I would end up falling head over heels for you!"

Shit. Don't tell me you love me. I can't-

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