Chapter Forty-Two: Exam Stress

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10th of June 2005 - Marlborough College

"Okay, I brought snacks," Adeline announced setting the plastic container in the middle of the table where her friends were seated, they had an exam later that afternoon so they ha decided to get together to study beforehand. 

The last-minute cram session was just what they all needed, the exams in the last few days had felt like they were never end and finally there was an end in sight coming up. 

Plopping down into a chair next to Mary, Adeline unshouldered her bag and started to pull out her things so that she could work; the weight of the bag reminding her of just how many exams that she had left to do. 

"I swear you should write your own cook book," Mary teased reaching to get one of the homemade snacks that Adeline had brought them, it was a new hobby that Adeline had picked up since her breakup with Nick. 

Whenever she was home at Clarence House and she needed a little break from her studying, Adeline found herself in the kitchen attempting to not get under anyone's feet while she baked. 

"It's just some brownies and flapjacks," Adeline laughed with a shake of her head, it wasn't like she had cooked a five-course meal and her cooking skills where pretty basic. 

Although her father had insisted that the three of them learn to cook at least something for when they went away on their gap year and whatever they ended up doing after that. 

Not that it had stopped William being a complete disaster from what Catherine had told Adeline, her oldest brother was rather useless in the kitchen even if he was willing to give anything a go. 

The complete opposite of Harry, who was more than happy to avoid kitchen duty whenever he could and rather liked having people cook for him. 

"Can I join you guys?" another student asked quietly, her books tucked into her chest as she peered at the study group that Adeline was a part of. 

Adeline recognised her from one of her classes, she was pretty sure that the girl was in her English literature class; she was seated near the back of the class a few rows behind Adeline by the window.

"Of course, pull up a chair," Adeline encouraged with a smile, the more the merrier in her opinion and she scootched up her chair so that the girl could fit in at the small table that they had commandeered at the back of the library. 

The girl looked rather grateful and quickly pulled up a chair to join the table before she set about putting her things on the table so that she could study for the exam. 

"I'm struggle with this... like what do I even know about Macbeth?" a boy grumbled with a roll of his eyes, he leant back in his chair and looked at the ceiling almost convinced that he was going to fail his exam. 

There was just no way that he was going to get through this, he should have taken sports with his friends; they had sworn that the exam they had taken for their A-Level had been super easy to pass. 

"You can use my notes, I made a small note of everything that the teacher said during that revision session as well as some small minor talking points for the essay portion," Adeline offered digging them out so that she could pass them over to him. 

It wasn't much but the teacher had talked about some main points that they needed to remember and if he was struggling then he clearly needed them more than she did. 

"Thanks Addy, you're amazing," the boy said taking the notes and smiling, he helped himself to a brownie before starting to read through the notes that Adeline had passed him. 

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