"This subordinate is useless," Yin Hanjiang said, clenching his fists.

"Who says you're useless?!" Wenren È said. "During this Venerable's departure, you've done very well. You subjugated the two Protectors and four Altar Masters, gained their confidence, and kept Xuanyuan Sect from falling into chaos. You also reformed the Message Carriers, uncovering those with ill intentions toward Xuanyuan Sect. No one could've done better than you."

With his eyes covered, Yin Hanjiang didn't need to distinguish Wenren È from a crowd of illusions, and with the mask covering his face, his expressions were hidden from Wenren È. These two shields helped him settle his emotions. He spoke the question he was most concerned about. "Venerable, why do you need the divine blood to solidify your body?"

Wenren È went roughly over his time in the Blood Hell. Yin Hanjiang immediately understood. It was equivalent to those righteous cultivators having destroyed Wenren È's flesh body, so that without it, Wenren È could only cultivate his soul. Even though absorbing the chaos energy had increased his powers immensely, he was still inconvenienced.

Learning of Wenren È's experiences over the past year and a half, Yin Hanjiang's hate for Hè Wenzhao deepened. Underneath the mask, his expression grew twisted.

"The power of the divine blood must be saved for helping Baili Qingmiao merge with the divine nature, so I cannot use it as I please. For a time, you still need to manage Xuanyuan Sect. As for the matter of the Blood Demon, you can do whatever you feel like," Wenren È said.

From the soul communion last night, Wenren È knew Yin Hanjiang had a lot of built-up frustration, having always lived in Wenren È's shadow. If he didn't stand alone before others and gain confidence, he couldn't overcome his inner demons. He could only let Yin Hanjiang vent his feelings, for which Hè Wenzhao and the Blood Demon were the best targets.

Hearing that Wenren È was relying on his protection, Yin Hanjiang straightened up. Yes, he could not let the members of Xuanyuan Sect discover his Venerable's weakness. He must protect his Venerable!

Seeing Yin Hanjiang regain his spirit, Wenren È said, "Last night was an urgent situation, so I had to use the soul communion technique to temporarily calm your soul. This technique can only be used once in fifteen days, and must be repeated several more times for you to fully recover. Are you... willing for me to enter your soul again?"

"It is this subordinate's privilege to have the Venerable expend his power to save him, so how could I refuse?" Yin Hanjiang said.

Wenren È sighed lightly. "Yin Hanjiang," he said helplessly, "I don't want you to call yourself a subordinate, or me Venerable."

Yin Hanjiang froze. He was supposed to call Wenren È's name directly? How could he?

Wenren È didn't want to pressure Yin Hanjiang. "It's fine for now," he said. "If after your inner demons are cured, you continue to refer to me this way, I won't be happy."

Wenren È knew Yin Hanjiang was tormented by not being able to tell him apart from illusions, and also didn't want him to see his more vicious side. "I need to cultivate to stabilize my soul, so I'll be at the spiritual spring for the next few days. You can act on your own. When the time comes for the next soul communion... or when you want to see me, come to the spiritual spring."

Of course, Yin Hanjiang wanted to see Wenren È at every possible moment, but he knew he was in an unstable condition, and if he pushed himself, he would cause his Venerable more trouble. He nodded, then felt a warmth in one of his palms as it came into contact with something soft.

After gently kissing Yin Hanjiang's palm, Wenren È took Abusive Romance from his lapel and vanished.

After a long while, Yin Hanjiang slowly removed his mask. He stood alone in the hall, his expression chilling, sometimes smiling and sometimes dark.

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