Ill-Fated Love

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He couldn't say the words "Baili Qingmiao". He didn't want to think about her.

"I do!" Seeing that Yin Hanjiang believed the books more than him, Wenren È brought out Abusive Romance and the first and third volumes of God of Annihilation. "You saw me obtain these books with your own eyes. An inner demon couldn't bring out a book you've never read before. Open them and see for yourself. The plot has already changed. Fate can be changed!"

Wenren È also brought out an ordinary dark blue robe and put it on. He clutched the divine blood tight in one hand, hooking Yin Hanjiang's waist with the other so that he couldn't escape.

If Wenren È wanted something, he wouldn't give the other party the chance to refuse.

He was more certain than ever that the Wenren È in Abusive Romance never loved Baili Qingmiao at all. Could he possibly admire her from a distance, content just to watch her live happily with Hè Wenzhao? That was absurd! Wenren È's love would always be selfish. If he couldn't have the object of his desires, then he would rather burn everything to the ground than back off quietly.

"Yin Hanjiang, it was me who drank wine with you that day at the spiritual spring. I've heard your feelings." Wenren È pressed his forehead against Yin Hanjiang's. "If you like this Venerable, then you're not allowed to look at any more illusions, you understand?"

"What?!" Yin Hanjiang couldn't believe it. Since that day, when he had responded to that inner demon, it was no longer an illusion he was seeing, but his Venerable?

He didn't answer Wenren È, his mind awhirl, feeling as though his skull was splitting open.

He shoved Wenren È aside, clutching his head in both hands. It was as if he was being torn into pieces.

One of them was telling him, just believe, just believe in what's before your eyes and be happy, even if it might be a lie, believe that your Venerable loves you. Another was saying, how could Wenren È love you, he's always loved Baili Qingmiao, you saw how he gave his life to protect her at the Blood Hell. Yet another said, they're all illusions, not a single one can be believed.

Seeing Yin Hanjiang's soul break into pieces, each about to burst from his body, Wenren È didn't dare push him any further. He sent a stream of chaos energy into Yin Hanjiang's body in order to stabilize his soul.

He didn't understand. Yin Hanjiang liked him and he had returned it. An ailment of the heart should be treated from the heart, so if he expressed his feelings, Yin Hanjiang's turmoil should be resolved and everything should work out, so why did it end up this way?

"Which is real? Which is fake?" Yin Hanjiang's hair was in disarray, his eyes red, on the verge of madness.

Clutching the divine blood, Wenren È cried, "Yin Hanjiang, look at me! Look at this Venerable!"

Yin Hanjiang calmed down a bit, his gaze falling on Wenren È's face. He turned his head slightly, seeing the red stone in Wenren È's hand.

"What's this?" He put a hand atop the stone.

"The divine blood," Wenren È answered.

"I've seen this stone before." Yin Hanjiang placed both hands over it, his eyes hazy. "Is it real?" he said in a trembling voice.

"I obtained it in the Blood Hell—"

Before Wenren È had a chance to explain the whole complicated story of the divine blood's origins, Yin Hanjiang had already confused it with the stone Wenren È had thrown Baili Qingmiao in his memories. "The Venerable will give it to Baili Qingmiao, right?" he said. "The Venerable went to the Blood Hell for it, didn't he?"

Devil Venerable Also Wants to KnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant