"I know," Wenren È said earnestly, sitting across from Yin Hanjiang. "You've done very well."

Yin Hanjiang paid no heed to this phantasm who wouldn't even call himself "Venerable". After he finished everything, he left the room.

After casting an illusion so that no one else could see him, Wenren È followed Yin Hanjiang out. Yin Hanjiang came to the Main Hall and took the register of Message Carriers. It was an organization created by Altar Master Yuan, most of them directly taking orders from him instead of Xuanyuan Sect. There was no way this register was complete either.

Yin Hanjiang took the register and, after messaging Altar Master Miao, flew out of the Main Hall. He was probably going to clean out the ranks.

Wenren È wanted to follow, but he was worried about being detected by others, and also had some preparations of his own to make. For now, they would have to act separately.

He had no doubt Yin Hanjiang would be able to root out the traitors within the Message Carriers and sort out Xuanyuan Sect's personnel. He couldn't help but worry, though, for no reason relating to trust, just out of concern. Wenren È let out a sigh. If only he had a book with Yin Hanjiang as the protagonist, so he could keep track of what he was doing.

When Yin Hanjiang left, Wenren È immediately came to the spirit gathering array in the Main Hall. The only person who could help him plan at this time was Zhongli Qian.

Zhongli Qian had just finished healing Qiu Congxue when he received Yin Hanjiang's message. He quickly picked through the pile of jade slips, selecting the important ones to read. However smart he was, he would need knowledge to act.

The vital question was how he could satisfy Yin Hanjiang while diverting him from his plans to wreck the cultivation world.

While he was studying, Zhongli Qian suddenly felt a gust of wind pass by. After having sealed his sight for thirty years, his spiritual sense had become even sharper.

Putting down his jade slip, he released his spiritual cognition, but didn't sense anyone. Instead, the spiritual energy in the room seemed to have gotten several times thicker.

No, it wasn't spiritual energy. It wasn't even immortal energy—being a Mahayana cultivator, and having spent time with the wandering immortal Qiu Congxue, Zhongli Qian had a good understanding of immortal energy. Yet the presence in the room was something stronger.

"Which honored person is this?" Zhongli Qian asked.

"The Crane-Haired Wanderer lives up to his name. This Venerable has hidden himself from even the sharpest sight, yet you found me." Wenren È revealed himself, allowing Zhongli Qian's spiritual cognition to instantly pick up on him.

Zhongli Qian let out a long breath, then cupped his hands and said, "Sir Wenren has managed to return from the brink. I'm not certain whether to congratulate you on surviving or rising in power."

"Have you told Sect Leader Yin of your return?" he continued. "He nearly wrecked the Shangqing Sect for you. He'll certainly be overjoyed to know you're safe."

First he praised Wenren È, then immediately got to roundaboutly telling him, hurry up and go to Yin Hanjiang, in a few days he'll start slaughtering people.

"I know," Wenren È said. "This Venerable came here to discuss something with Altar Master Zhongli."

Hearing Wenren È call him an Altar Master, Zhongli Qian's expression froze. "I'm really not qualified to be an Altar Master..."

"If Yin Hanjiang says you're qualified, then you're qualified," Wenren È said, interrupting him. "This Venerable also has a task for you, and if you complete it, I can have the tracking curse and heart-linking parasite removed.

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