This Disciple is Unwilling

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Just as the readers guessed, the Shangqing Sect was currently hotly disputing how they should handle Baili Qingmiao and her master.

After they returned to the sect with the Lockheart Herb, Hè Wenzhao left to find the renowned healer immortal Yao Jiaping. He was the one who had written the Sect Master's prescription. Hè Wenzhao had met him while searching for a doctor and, after fighting a round, became good friends with him.

Baili Qingmiao was temporarily being held in the administration hall, waiting for the Sect Master to wake so he could decide how to deal with her.

As for the Violet Spirit Pavilion disciples, Shangqing Sect offered them a residence in an outer courtyard, allowing them some time to accept the destruction of their sect before they decided what to do next. If they were willing to join Shangqing Sect, they would be welcomed, since Shangqing Sect was still recovering from the Great Sect War, though they needed to hand over the secret techniques of the Violet Spirit Pavilion first.

In the original book, after the Violet Spirit Master married Hè Wenzhao, the two sects merged and exchanged techniques, so this wasn't a big change.

Hè Wenzhao came back with Yao Jiaping after just one day. Yao Jiaping was very thin and wore blue robes. As he was a wandering immortal, he had a youthful appearance and was quite handsome. Put alongside the male lead and love interests in Abusive Romance, he fell short a bit, but could still be considered within the upper ranks.

He refined an elixir very quickly and, after he gave it to the Sect Master, the Sect Master soon woke. Baili Qingmiao had done the Shangqing Sect a great service, so their hands were now even more tied in punishing her.

After the Sect Master woke up and heard about all that had happened in these past thirty years, he sighed weakly and said, "The Great Sect War was a major event. I can't make this decision alone. How about the Administration Hall Elder calls in all sect members at Deity Transformation or above to discuss this matter?"

Thus, everyone assembled in the main meeting room of the administration hall. Baili Qingmiao and her disciple Su Huai sat in the middle, with over twenty Deity Transformation cultivators seated around them. Since Zhongli Qian's position was special, the Shangqing Sect let him sit in on the proceedings as a guest, and he could also make proposals, though whether or not they would be accepted would be decided by Shangqing Sect.

Baili Qingmiao was pale with everyone's gaze on her, but she still patted Su Huai's hand comfortingly. Her gaze was firm, and she had already made mental preparations.

Elder Qingrong cared about her disciple despite everything and spoke first. "Baili Qingmiao had been unaware that Qiu Congxue was a member of a demonic sect. She was part of the relief team at the time, and there's no crime in saving a person. Also, it wasn't Baili Qingmiao's decision to allow Qiu Congxue to join the Shangqing Sect; it was by the unanimous agreement of all the elders. Qingmiao also risked her life to pluck the Lockheart Herb from within the sea of flames. I swear upon my soul that Qingmiao has never betrayed Shangqing Sect. She's a good, obedient disciple."

Hearing her master's words, Baili Qingmiao blushed faintly, and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"But my soul is in Qiu Congxue's hands," Liu Xinye said gloomily. "Baili Qingmiao gave the Seven-Colored Lotus Heart to Qiu Congxue, letting her manipulate me with it."

There were two main parties in this debate. One was Elder Qingrong, who cared about her disciple and believed she was innocent. The other was Liu Xinye, who thought that Qiu Congxue had been plotting in the shadows. Baili Qingmiao had traveled with Qiu Congxue for thirty years, so she might've already entered the demonic sect, and was returning to Shangqing Sect to continue being an undercover agent. She might've saved the Sect Master for show. Maybe that Lockheart Herb she had gotten wasn't a newly mature one at all, but the previous one that Wenren È had taken from the Pavilion Master and given to Baili Qingmiao.

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