Xuanyuan Sect's Token

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"A fantasy realm, huh..." Wenren È muttered. Then he said, "Then, if there was a medicine that could save your shixiong in the palace, what would it be?"

"A blooming lotus in one of the courtyard's ponds, I guess, its seven-colored jade lotus heart would be able to cure shixiong... Senior, how come it feels like the wall behind me is moving?"

Probably like that one at your feet, it's trying to rub its head against you, just its head is kind of big, Wenren È thought.

"Where would the spiritual realm's exit be?" Wenren È asked.

"I imagined the palace would be surrounded by white fog, and since it's a part of the immortal realm, it must have a powerful array surrounding it, preventing any entry. The mist would be thinner at the back door of the palace, and it would act as a passage back to the Golden Coast Cliffs... senior, this is all just my daydream, why— why are you asking all this? I seem to be stuck on something. What's on the wall behind me?"

Nothing again, just she seemed to be leaning against a tongue, which was sticking to her.

"Baili Qingmiao, knock yourself unconscious," said Wenren È. "After you open your eyes again, you'll be at the Golden Coast Cliffs, and Elder Qingxue will be there."

"Really?!" Baili Qingmiao hesitated for a moment, then decided, "Since I'm so weak, I wouldn't be of any help to these two seniors even on my feet. Here I go, then."

Saying that, she stopped her breath and sealed her senses, her consciousness sinking deep into her dantian, and fell unconscious like flipping a switch.

The minute she lost awareness, their surroundings returned to the scene she had imagined.

"Venerable, could this spiritual realm actually be created by Baili Qingmiao's mind?" Yin Hanjiang asked in astonishment, slinging her over his shoulder. "Was the cavern real, or this palace? Or are neither real?"

"There's one more possibility, that both are real," said Wenren È. This time, he strode into the courtyard and plucked a lotus that hadn't existed last time, extracting its heart.

The four ordinary-looking divine beasts made no move to stop him, still amusing themselves in their own ways.

"We've gotten everything we want. Time to go," Wenren È said to Yin Hanjiang. "Let's find the back door she mentioned."

They came to the back door and found that the mist was indeed thinner here, and seemed passable.

Yin Hanjiang tried to rush to the front, to test the route for his master, but Wenren È held him back.

"We'll go together, back to back, and carry Baili Qingmiao together," Wenren È said.


Back to back, with one shoulder supporting Baili Qingmiao, and their free hands holding each other's, they cautiously walked through the fog.

After walking for an indeterminable length of time, through white fog that gave them no sense of distance, they suddenly smelled the salt of the sea breeze. Following the wind for a few more steps, the fog parted and left them standing on the cliff's edge, with the golden sea before them.

Now that his vision was filled with something else beside white, Yin Hanjiang set down Baili Qingmiao and turned to look at Wenren È's familiar face. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and plop down onto the ground.

"Protector Yin, why're you so tense?" Wenren È said, sitting by his side at the cliff edge. He didn't get why Yin Hanjiang had relaxed the instant he saw him, and had never seen him act improperly like this before.

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