He picked up his washcloth and bucket and slowly walked away from the shrine.

After he was gone, Yin Hanjiang turned to Wenren È and repeated his earlier words. "It's not the same."

Wenren È understood this time.

Wenren È the ruler of the demonic sects wasn't the same as the General Wenren enshrined in the small border town, the same way Yin Hanjiang the Left Protector of Xuanyuan Sect wasn't the same as the Young Hero Yin who visited the shrines every year.

Wenren È walked to the memorial stele and brushed his fingertips over the names with a soft smile. "I can actually match each name to a face."

Not "this Venerable", just "I". At the moment he wasn't the Lord of Demons, but General Wenren.

All the people named on the stele had probably already entered the cycle of reincarnation, maybe even multiple times. But in this small town, they lived on in many people's hearts.

Together, these names could be called "guardians".

Winds at the border were strong and pierced your clothes like knives come winter. As it picked up, the pedestrians on the road rushed along to the warmth of their homes and the street merchants packed up their wares. In a bit, only Wenren È and Yin Hanjiang were left standing out in the streets.

The bitter cold wind blew a lock of Yin Hanjiang's hair across his face. Normally, Yin Hanjiang's hair was tied up neatly so not a strand was left loose, so that even though his appearance was youthful, he gave off a far older aura. With a loose lock of hair hanging by his face, blown by the wind, Wenren È felt that Yin Hanjiang had gained a shred of youthful innocence.

In truth, Yin Hanjiang had always been like this, and it was only that Wenren È never really looked at him, and so had never noticed throughout all these years.

Wenren È smiled slightly. He took out the Abusive Romance book from his sleeve and said, "I must be grateful for this book. If not for it, this Venerable would've overlooked one Yin Hanjiang."

Yin Hanjiang's eyes fell on that familiar title again, of the book his Venerable so inconceivably kept around.

Maybe it was because he had shown the Venerable another side of himself today, or maybe it was because today, the Venerable seemed different than usual, but Yin Hanjiang decided to see him right now as General Wenren and not the master of the demonic sects, so boldly asked a question. "Just what mysteries does that book hold?"

He remembered that it was after obtaining this book that the Venerable had left Xuanyuan Sect and focused his attention in particular on the righteous disciple Baili Qingmiao, looking after her in various ways.

The Venerable only treated Baili Qingmiao as his junior, so Yin Hanjiang had also unconsciously begun paying closer attention to this besotted young woman, and even become frustrated at her various shortcomings. The Venerable looked so highly upon her aptitudes, and said that they had a karmic relationship, even wanting to take her as disciple. Yet Baili Qingmiao just thought of living happily ever after with Hè Wenzhao, while, with the kind of person Hè Wenzhao was...

Even though Yin Hanjiang rarely had opinions on people besides Wenren È, he still couldn't help but acknowledge that Hè Wenzhao didn't deserve her.

Baili Qingmiao was at least a pure-hearted and kind disciple of the righteous sects, but Hè Wenzhao really left a bad taste in one's mouth.

If Yin Hanjiang gave his heart to one person, he would never have considerations toward another. How could he bear to watch Hè Wenzhao proclaim his love for Baili Qingmiao while at the same time sleeping with Shu Yanyan?

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