No response.


"I'm fine," he sighed. "I've just had too many complains about my mate lately."

Every wolf normally finds their mate after the first year and a half after turning 18. Everyone got worried about Aloy 'cause it had been 2 years and he still hasn't found his mate.

"You really don't have to come."

"Bitch do you really think thats gonna stop me from coming? I'm gonna kick their butts."

I smiled at him. As sassy as always.

I know your reading this Jen, but you really lost your sass. Aloy thought.


"Actually," I continued, "Just for that, get out."

Aloy chuckled and teleported away.

Next Day

We arrived at my mate's pack. While I was driving, I told Aloy about my history and he didn't seem the tiniest bit surprised.

Before we got out the car, Aloy asked me whether I wanted to hide my scent from my mate. I said 'yes' and he gave me a bitter potion, and I drank it.

"Why is it so bitter?" I asked.

"What? You expected it to taste as sweet as heaven?"

We jumped out the car to meet Dylan and his...replacement Luna. That certainly felt weird rolling off my tongue.

A part of me wanted to laugh, the other part wanted to scream and cry.

Since we wearing masks, they couldn't see our faces.

"Ah, you must be the Lone Wolf," Dylan said.

"Yes, I am," I replied in a different voice which was hard to keep up. "You must be Alpha Dylan?"

He nodded.

"I didn't know you had another friend over," the replacement Luna said. "What are both of your names?"

"I'm Aloy, and this is..." he looked at me for an answer.

"Je- Jade." Shit, almost said my real name.

"Wait, Aloy? As in the Slaughter Aloy?" the Luna asked with astonishment.

I could tell Aloy's face looked dead from under his mask. "Yes."

"It is such a pleasure to meet you!" the Luna squealed.

Aloy sighed so quietly that only I could hear him.

"The pleasure is all mine, Luna Maria."

Oh, seems like Aloy did his research.

"Can I see your fa-

"No," Aloy interrupted Maria harshly. "And that is the end of that conversation. We came here for business and that's it."

"Interesting," I heard Dylan mutter.

I heard Maria sigh.

"Come in," Dylan said.

I looked back at him and he was holding the door. Gentleman.

We all walked in.

The place had changed since the last day I had been there. There were less guards, the floors which were once pearl white were now grey. And worst of all, my brother was doing chores.

"Alex!" Dylan called.

"Yes alpha?" Alex responded once he finished a task.

"Show the new guests their rooms."

I saw a mind-link going on and I couldn't help but join in, it looked like Aloy did too.

If you mess up one thing, you'll end up just like your parents, dead and gone.

Yes alpha! I promise not to mess up this time!


Alex walked in front of us and gestured us to follow him with his shaky hands.

Once we got to Aloy's room, he clicked his fingers and his luggage disappeared, probably already placed in the room. I envy that trick.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Alex asked.

"Secret," Aloy responded.

Alex's eyes lit up then died back down as he led me to my room.

Once we got there, I looked at Aloy with pleading eyes knowing he would see them through the mask. He rolled his eyes and clicked his fingers again, my luggage disappeared.

"I'll be going now," Alex said. "I have to finish chores."

He ran downstairs almost tripping over himself, I giggled over the memory 12 years ago.

"You miss him don't you?" Aloy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I replied dreamily.

Snapping out of my daze, I knew one thing.

I was going to put things in the right order. Even if it meant revealing myself.


I think you deserve a double update. :<

From a 'Useless Omega' to a 'Daring Lone Wolf'Where stories live. Discover now