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"She's not wearing a mask!"

"I never wear a mask, idiot."

"That's besides the point! You already brought her here! I don't see why we have to hide our identities!"

"Stop acting like a child. Keep your mask on. And be quiet."

Two slightly familiar voices talked somewhere above my head. With my heavy eyelids and pulsating head I was in no mood to actually get up and see who was speaking. I was feeling remarkably comfortable, I could feel the texture of the soft blanket lying on top of me, and the pillow i was resting on felt like a cloud.

"So...what? Are we just going to wait for sleeping beauty to wake up?" That voice was too annoying for me not to recognize it. Despite the protest of my skull (and the rest of my perfectly serene body), I opened my eyes and shot into a sitting position. Guardian's blue eyes stared back at me. Unable to help myself my lips curled in a sneer and my hands fisted the blanket I was wrapped in.

"Seriously? You again?" I roared. I was surprised to see his arms crossed and what I could see of his face looking as angry as my own.

"Believe me, taking you here was not my idea," he huffed, clearly beyond irritated.

Wait...taking me where?

Almost breaking my neck in the process, my head whips suddenly around the room, taking in my surroundings. I was in a library. Or at least I thought that was what it was, there were high arched ceilings and books covering dozens of shelves. The walls were painted brown, luxurious red sofa's and couches littered the ground; like the one I was currently spread on. The only thing that didn't really looked like it belonged in the room, was a massive round silver table, with a giant monitor hung in front of it. Of course, I didn't have that much time to look for any more details, because that's when I noticed Guardian wasn't the only super in the room. Six of the ten people formed in a circle around me I recognized. Petra, with her violet flashing eyes and unearthly pale skin. Pyro, with his red goggles; Aqua-sport with his blue. Ghost wearing her opaque, white, sunglasses. Sonics vibrant Red hair was hard to ignore, and rather than wearing her normal orange speedster goggles she was just wearing some tinted sunglasses. Then, of course, there was Guardian. Surprisingly, other than the masks, the supers had ditched their suits and were instead wearing jeans and normal shirts. It was unnerving, seeing them in clothes anyone could wear. Then again, they could be anyone. The other four people I, unfortunately, had no way of distinguishing. 

That's exactly what I needed, more supers to keep track of. 

A girl I didn't know, with snow white hair and a white mask, came up to me.

"Don't move," her voice was as smooth as honey, and suddenly I was filled with the notion that moving would be incredibly rude. She pressed her index and middle finger against my temple and suddenly my body felt a rush of warmth. It sprouted like webs through my brain and then down my limbs, until my whole body was immersed in a hot bath. I let out a small sigh, and didn't even notice that my head ache had suddenly disappeared or that the girl had retracted her hand.

"What's your name?" she cooed.

"Rowan Hayes," I said without a second thought. Why wouldn't I tell her my name?

"How old are you?"


"Why did the monster want you yesterday?"

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