260 18 3

Nov 14


Focal City 

Crescent Road

Dad works at Focal Labs, he's one of the most gifted scientists in the program. He met mom there, and they bonded over a love of genetic mutation and bioengineering. 

You could say they had chemistry.  

Of course, it's said that exceptional people have less than average children; and I'm constantly worried that it's true. Jen has been slipping since she started high school this year, and I hadn't done anything exceptional (unless you count winning a handful of participation awards) in my whole 16 years of existence. Don't even get me started about trying to figure out science. I couldn't even tell you want my dad did if the fate of the world was at stake. I just know that he gets home late, and we live well. Especially with only one income. I was surprised to see him home so early.

"Dad, what are you doing home?" I asked once I had gotten out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen. His stuff was unloaded on the table; keys, backpack, coat, all slung carelessly on the furniture. His head whipped over to face me, and before I could process what was happening he was hugging me. 

"Ro, thank God you're okay." There had been reporters. Right. Even though Jen hadn't known what was going on, that didn't mean my dad was one for ignorance. He was always the one to hear things before others. I hugged him back, trying to remember the last time he had actually given me or Jen a quick kiss on the top of our heads before going to work. I loved my dad, but he always seemed wrapped up in his own world-a world that most of the time, didn't include his daughters. Part of me wanted to milk this, tell him that I was terrified and needed him to stay home this weekend. But that would have been selfish.

"Dad I'm fine really. Crazy stuff like this happens all the time in Focal," I said quietly. 

Not this crazy, and not to you.  

Dad pulls back, his gray eyes clouded in concern. 

"You sure you're alright? What exactly happened? News only said that there had been a scandal downtown and they showed a clip of the supers and then you...I didn't know what to think," He sounds to worried, especially since he doesn't even know the concerning part. He doesn't even know the monster wanted me. And I can joke about it all I want, but that doesn't mean it doesn't scare me. Especially since I don't even know why. I don't tell him this though, I don't tell him about how frightened I really am or how I feel like I'm missing a huge piece of a puzzle. 

"Dad honestly...it wasn't a big deal...I-I ditched the assembly and went to some ice cream place in that area. I saw this huge truck go flying past the window and when I went out on the street I saw this giant pink dude and that super that was supposed to be at my school. That's it," I knew the lie's was going to come back to bite me, but I'd rather my dad be mad than scared. But then again, seeing his face then, maybe being scared wouldn't have been so bad. 

"You mean to tell me-" he fumed "that this whole this-you putting yourself in danger, getting involved with those supers-happened because you ditched class? Because you cheeped out of your education?"

"An assembly!"

"You say that as though it matters! You know how important school is! It's your future Rowena-" he stopped short, his face paled considerably. My hands clench into fist's at my side. I was named after Rowena Hayes, my mom, but she believed that I deserved my own identity so she wanted there to be at least a slight difference. And as slight as it was, my full name was Rowan, not Rowena. Dad clears his throat and my eyes narrow. What kind of a father would mess up his daughters own name?

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