Sexual Allies

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"It's another beautiful day here in Florida." Nick smiled into the gopro camera. "We still haven't found our action figures." He added as his brother, Matt took a sip of his Starbucks coffee.

"Yeah these things are so hard to find." Matt huffed, shaking his head knowing that fans are buying all of them off the shelves at Walmart. "Save some for us, guys." Matt joked.

"Oh look everyone, it's Simon!" Nick turned the camera around showing me shoving my gym bag into the trunk of my SUV.

"No, no, take the camera off of me." I held my hand up, blocking the lenses. Getting out of the gym, my tank top was sweaty along with the rest of my body. My hair was pushed back due to it being so sweaty and greasy. I felt gross and didn't want anyone knowing what I looked like after an intense workout.

"And here's Kenny Omega." Nick pointed the camera towards Kenny who was making his way towards the parking lot. His tank top stretching due to his large muscles. Kenny smirked, flexing his biceps and showing off what his body looks like after a workout.

"You look like a sweaty potato." I laughed, seeing that Kenny's shirt was drenched in sweat. My eyes lingered over his body at the sight of him. He was truly built like a Greek god.

"Hey anyone up for a beer?" A voice called out, Adam walking up to the car with his gym bag over his shoulder.

Kenny and I looked at each other since we were both straightedge. "Uh, it's like eleven in the morning, man." Kenny looked at his watch to see what the time even was.

"So? It's five o'clock somewhere. You two in?" Adam gestured towards the two brothers.

"No man, I have the family here with me tonight." Nick rubbed the back of his head.

"Matt?" Adam asked.

"I have plans man, plus the show is tonight." Matt shook his head.

Nick then cut the camera. "This'll be great for The Being Elite episode." Nick shoved the progo into his pants pocket, changing the subject. "You guys wanna get something to eat before the show?"

I shook my head no. "Nah, I wanna hit the shower and I'll probably rest before the show." I stretched my already sore arms.

"Sounds like a good idea, actually." Kenny agreed. "Can you drop me off at the hotel?"

"Yeah, jump in." I walked around the car to get into the driver's side.

"Can I grab a ride with you guys?" Adam asked. "I'm gonna head back to the hotel too."

Nodding my head, I spoke. "Yeah, sure." Opening the driver door and slid into the seat. Starting the vehicle up I drove out of the gym parking lot once everyone was buckled up. Driving in silence was peaceful while the music was low in the background. Kenny hummed along to it while I tapped my fingers against the leather steering wheel.

I was grateful that traffic wasn't too terrible, knowing it was going to be pretty packed tonight for the show. Arriving at the hotel, I pulled into the front of it. Adam opened the door and crawled out. "Hey do you wanna get some dinner after the show?" Kenny asked as he unbuckled himself.

"Yeah, like you, me and the brothers?" I adjusted myself in the seat.

"Yeah, yeah." Kenny ran his fingers through his curly hair.

"Yeah, sounds good, any place you had in mind?"

"We making dinner plans for tonight?" Adam asked as he made his way to the passenger side.

"Oh no, not tonight." Kenny quickly lied before I could say anything.

"Oh, I thought I heard you guys talking about dinner tonight after the show. My bad." He slugged his bag over his shoulder and started to walk away. The automatic doors to the hotel lobby slid open as he walked closer.

Sexual Allies - Hangman Adam Page (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin