Wake up (MHA x Villain Male Reader)

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A/N: I know no one requested this, but this idea was stuck in my head for a while, so I just had to get it on paper. Anyways let me know what you think about this. Criticism and support are always welcome and enjoy this part!

The night was dark, incredibly dark. The heavy suffocating darkness was drawing in all the light of the stars and even the moon was nothing more than a pale dirty yellow circle in the air. It was one of the few nights in a years in which the shadows ruled the land and crimes thrived. As no one can predict these nights, they overwhelm everyone. In the city of Musutafu in Japan the streetlights didn't even seem to work and even here crime was at it's highest during these nights, though hero activity was also at its peak, it didn't stop the scum of the world to commit the cruelest acts possible on this one night.

This was also the case in one of the small and narrow backstreets where three men in their early twenties were assaulting a girl of 15 years of age, in more ways then one. When she walked through the alleyway, as she's done many times before to get home, the three men stopped her. The most front one grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against a wall. The small girl tried to scream but couldn't due to her neck being held in a suffocating grip. 'Well, well. I believe we're going to have some fun tonight boys,' said the man chocking the girl and the other two laughed. Not again. Please! Not again! thought the girl with tears streaming down her cheeks, Why? Why always me? Why did I have to be born with this damn quirk?! She then saw the right hand of the man touch her left thigh and slowly traveled upwards. She then resisted more and kicked the man, but he retaliated with a punch to her face. 'Listen up you little slut! Make it easier for yourself and us, stop resisting and let us fuck you! Come on, it's the best for everyone. I mean think about it. Me and the boys have had our fun and you just get to go home, alive and well,' said the man emphasizing the last part. Realizing that the man was way stronger than her she stopped her resistance and tried to prepare herself for the pain and humiliation that would come next. 'Good girl,' said the man and his hand went up even further, almost touching her womanhood, until... 'What do we have here?' sounded an unknown voice throughout the alleyway. The three men and the girl looked at where the voice came from to saw , nothing. But that wasn't so weird with the heavy blanket of the night covering the entirety of the city. The man, still holding the girl by her throat, motioned with his head to the other two to investigate. Suddenly a figure stepped out of the darkness, with a very distinct appearance. The only way they could see him was by the flashlight one the the men had and shone on him. The figure was a man of about the age of 22 with black hair on his right side and white on his left. Also his eyes were affected by heterochromia iridium, his right one was red, while his left one blue. Like his face, his emotions seemed to be split too. In his red eye the anger and fury of a thousand hellfires was burning, while the look in his left eye was so cold that even solid nitrogen couldn't compare to it. This man was you.

You looked at the sight in front of you. The two other men readied their weapons: one had a machete, while the other had a wooden baseball bat. Wood, you thought, burns good. Bat swung at you, but you gripped his weapon and your quirk absorbed all the kinetic energy of the swing, which you used to light the bat on fire, making Bat jump back. Then Machete ran at you and tried to slash at you, you ducked underneath the swing and raised the burning baseball bat over your head and brought it down upon Machete's with so much force that his head exploded, spewing blood, bone fragments and brain matter everywhere. The headless corpse fell to the ground and the man finally let go of the girl, who then slumped to the ground, gasping for air. 'What the fuck man,' he whimpered. 'What? Come on, don't tell me you're scared of me,' you said as you walked over to him, the bat still in your hand, but the devouring flames that raged over it didn't seem to be affecting you in the slightest, and if they were, you didn't show it. The man who once held the bat attacked you with a punch, but you dropped the bat, grabbed onto his arm and threw him into a wall with so much force that blood splashed onto the wall and he was dead on the spot. You then walked over to the last man, who reached inside his jacket and pulled out a gun and aimed it at you. 'Take one step closer and you're dead!' the man tried to threaten you, but you retorted with: 'Well, that would be intimidating, if you were...' You then chuckled, 'well, intimidating.' 'HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME!' the man yelled back and pulled the trigger.

The moment the man shot he closed his eyes, but when he opened them he saw that you were still standing with the bullet in between your teeth like some sort of deadly cigarette. You spit it out and said: 'Nice try.' You then quickly disarmed the man by folding his hand, forcing him to let go of his gun and pushed him to the ground. You then aimed the gun at him, which was a FN Five-seveN. 'You might be the scum of the earth, but at least I respect your choice for guns,' you said and pulled the trigger. The man yelled out in pain as one of his testicles exploded, but his cry was cut short when you pulled the trigger again and another bullet penetrated his brain, only to come out the other side together with a lot of blood and brain matter. You then put the safety on the gun and put it in the back pocket of your pants, which were soiled with blood. You then walked over to the girl, who stared at you with fear. 'Calm down, girl. I'm not going to hurt you,' you said. Suddenly she then started crying and let out some sentences that you could barely make out. 'Why... damn quirk... again...' You then sat down beside her and pulled her closer to you, letting her cry onto your shoulder, while you stroked her silver hair. It's already stained with blood, so tears are the least of my worries. you thought.

'What is your name?' you asked her after she was finished with crying, and she looked up to you with her tear stained amethyst eyes and weakly said: 'Maria Na...' But she didn't finish as she passed out. You picked her up firefighter style and walked a couple of streets. You stood before a modern, dark building with double doors. This was the night club your friend owned, called the BB Lounge and the guard outside directly recognized you. 'Yo man, what's with her?' the guard said. 'Jeremy, saved her from some scum, passed out before I could ask her address. If you could inform Takehiro to prepare one of the backrooms, I would appreciate it,' you said. 'I'll do it,' he said and then said something in his earpiece, then mentioned to you to go to the personnel entrance. You went there and Take opened the door and let her in one of the rooms with a bed. You took off her shoes, laid her on bed and put the covers over her. 'So, how did you find her?' your friend inquired and you told the events that happened tonight. 'Fucking hell, dude! Well, it's good that that scum is no more. You think she'll be alright?' he asked you. 'Honestly, I don't know. But I do know I want to be there for her when she wakes up,' you said. 'And you're a self-proclaimed criminal?' 'I literally killed three people and stole their money, not like they need that anyway, so I can't really say I'm a good guy. Additionally, I was an errand boy for the Yakuza back and even committed some liquidations. So yeah, I'm a criminal,' you answered him simply. 'Take care friend,' the club owner said and left the room. Now it was just a question of waiting for her to wake up.

A/N: Laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - Dodominic2021

One shot book (Male reader x Various) Where stories live. Discover now