~Chapter 17~

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*Authors Note: Before this chapter begins I would like to say somethings. One, did the video work? I would like to make sure. If it didn't, the song is called Touch by Troye Sivan. I think that is how you spell the last name. Also, guys, the views, votes and comments. Super possitive and I love it. No joke, I'm loving how this book is going and I can tell you guys like it too. I appreciate everything you guys say in the comments too. One last thing before the chapter starts, I'm going back to my previous chapters and going to correct them. That is it so, here is the chapter.*

Anthony's POV

I woke up, not even realizing I fell asleep. What the hell am I doing? I just broke up with the one person Who made me feel happy. Why? Why would I even do that or think that? I sat up only feeling pain in my heart. Pain from my choices.
I started to move out of the bed. Only to feel pain. Pain that I haven't felt since Jessica. I know this pain. It will kill me. I can't live like this. Why brain? Why heart? What did I ever do?
I started to walk to the hallway. I slowly opened the door. I walked out ever so slowly. It is late and I don't want to be noticed.

I found Stevens room moments later. I knocked quietly. I heard movement. When he came to the door he slowly opened it. There was a long, quiet pause. Without thinking I pushed Steven into his room and locked the door behind me. I couldn't even comprehend what I was doing. Next thing I know, I pushed Steven up ageist a wall. My lips touched his with gentalness. I heard him slilently moan my name.

I moved to his neck. I sucked everywhere on it. Not even trying to find a spot. More moans escaped the both of us. Steven pushed me back. He looked at me as if I just hurt him in a way.
There was another pause. "You... Your a hipocrait. First you tell me we shouldn't be together... Then you come in here and make out with me?" he questioned. I stopped and let it all soak into me. Possibly knock some sense into me. I started to speak but stopped. I didn't have anything to say nor could I think of anything.

I sat down on his bed. I put my hands in her my face and tried to think, but I couldn't. Steven sat down next to me. I pulled him into my chest and we both laid back. "I'm sorry Steven I never ment what I said. I wasn't thinking in just... I don't know. I'm not thinking clearly. Actually I'm not thinking at all lately." I said. "I forgive you. Even though I probably shouldn't. But I will because I love you."

I felt the slow breathing of Steven falling asleep on me. I relaxed and stopped trying to thinking I closed my eyes and sleep.


I woke up. Steven still sound asleep on me. I looked over to see a clock. It read 10:30. I wish I could sleep longer. I need it if I am going to work properly.
I reached for the remote. About 5 minutes of trying to use my Jedi powers and 5 minutes of reaching, I finally got it. I hit the power button to see the Stanley cup hockey game. It was Wild vs. Blackhawks. I started to watch. Although I wasn't that interested in hockey, I felt too lazy to find something else to watch.

After a good hour I started to feel tired again. Didn't surprise me too much, since I couldn't wrap my head around what the hell have I been doing, the whole time I have been in this hospital. I never ment to hurt Steven or say what I said. I just don't know what told me to say those things.
I never ment it and I hope Steven knows that. I started closing my eyes again. I turned off my head and fell back asleep.

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