~Chapter 11~

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Anthony (Chilled) POV

I said it.
I told him.

Steven scooted closer to me. We looked at each other face to face. Before I could even think I felt warm, soft, gentle lips press onto mine. We held that kiss for awhile to we had to part for air. Steven moved closer yet again and whispers "I love you to Anthony." and we kissed again. Be the looks of it we were going to go deeper but I heard a doorbell rang. Great. They order pizza. I hope they rememberd to get a veggie one for Steven. "Should we tell them?" I asked. "So this is official?" he asked as I stood up. Steven stood up too and walk beside me. "Does this answer your question?" I said with a smirk. I pushed my lips onto his. We kissed for awhile. I was going to start exploring but I heard a knock on the door. We stopped. Both of us, blushing like crazy. "Guys, no kinky shit while we're here okay? As your father just please wait until everyone is asleep." I heard Tom say through the door. I rolled my eyes and open the door. "Okay dad." I said.

Steven POV

He loves me... He really does and he ment the kiss. My heart is bursting with joy, love, relief and so much more. We walked downstairs to the kitchen were everyone was eating deep-dish pizza. "Oh hey! There you guys are. You two alright... Anthony you did wear protection right?" Minx said all happy like. "I swear to God I will murder you in your sleep..." Anthony said as he started to grab his pizza. "You guys! You forgot to get a veggie one for Steven!" Anthony yelled caringly. "Anthony (GaLm)! I thought you said veggie?" Adam said pitching in. "I did! They must have forgot to bring it." Anthony said defending himself. "Anyway, why the hell do you care Anthony (Chilled)? You didn't seem to care before..." he stopped. He looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't help it and I could feel my face start to heat up. I turned away, remembering that Anthony reads everyone like a book...

"No. Are... No what? I'll just ask after dinner okay?" Anthony said in a somewhat confused tone. I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey uh, Steven, may I have a word with you?" Minx asked as she stood up. I nodded and we walked off into a backroom. "You and Anthony (Chilled) are dating aren't you?" she asked. I could tell I was blushing. Mainly due to my face heating up. "Yes.." I said. She gave me a hug. "I knew he would confront you on his feelings. I'm not stupid and believe me. I'm married to the best woman I could ever ask for. Now, you just wait and see. Your life will feel better within a week and I can promise you that." she said as we looked at each other. "Thanks Minx." I said. We went back to the table and Anthony (Chilled) is making a salad. A house salad. "I have ranch or french dressing in the fridge." he said as he guided me in the fridge where the dressings are. I took out the french one and got myself a bowl.

Then I heard Anthony talking.

"Guys I would like to say something....." he trailed off trying to find the words. Everyone had their eyes on him, including mine. I knew where this is going.

"Steven and I, well.. We're dating. We are boyfriend and boyfriend."

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