Chapter 2 | Style of Vigilante

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Second part here we go! I hope the first chapter was a good enough introduction to the story!

If you didn't realize as of yet, your fighting style(s) and character background is heavily inspired by the Yakuza series! Your fighting style being inspired by the many styles you can use in Yakuza 0 and other fighting styles from many characters, and your backstory on many plotpoints throughout the Main and Spin-off stories!

I hope that helps with any confusion with what you basically are in this story of SSBU!

Now, onto the second chapter!
Balls out, READER!

"Rise and a-Shine, (Y/N)! It's time for your first session!"

(Y/N) slowly woke up after hearing the knocking on his door and the familiar voice of a plumber yelling out his name. Before he could even get up, he felt himself slipping.



The door slammed wide open, a man in red overalls and a red hat rushing in.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Mario yelled out in worry, before looking down at the poor sod, sprawled out on the floor, face flat on the floor, faint groaning can be heard. Mario couldn't help but let out a little sigh and chuckle as he went to help pick him up.

"That's was quite the a-faceplant, are you okay?" Mario asked, (Y/N) nodding in response as he rubbed his face a bit.

"Well, it certainly was one way to wake up, it just wasn't a preferable one, you know?" (Y/N) joked, chuckling a bit. Mario chuckled as well before beginning to walk out, only to stop by the door.

"Come by the training room in the first floor when you're a-ready, alright?" Mario said, (Y/N) humming in a approved tone. With that, Mario left the room, and (Y/N) took the time to fully wake up, along with showering and doing his normal morning routine. After finishing up, (Y/N) changed into his regular attire and headed to the first floor, in which a few other fighters were either relaxing in the main area, eating breakfast in the dining area, or anything else. (Y/N) waved and did a quick hello to them as he walked to the training room, in which Mario and a few others were waiting outside of the door. Mario noticed (Y/N) approach them and waved him over.

"So, you said it was time for my first session?" (Y/N) said, Mario nodding in response.

"Yes, but not quite. You're going to be fighting a training dummy today, the group a-here today wanted to see your fighting style a-firsthand. Everyone else will wait until you have your first official fight." Mario explained, and (Y/N) slowly nodded, understanding the situation. (Y/N) looked at the group who were with Mario, he recognized most of them, and one familiar face caught his attention.

"Lucina? You want to see my fighting style firsthand?" (Y/N) asked the swordswoman, in which she nodded. She put a finger on her chin as if she were thinking.

"Yes, while I would've waited with everyone else like I've usually done, your story intrigued me very much, so I wanted to see what kind of abilities you possess. It must be something big if you were able to face down against those organizations, correct?" Lucina said, (Y/N) moving his hand in a so-so movement as he nervously chuckled.

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