Chapter one

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I remember the first time I went diving in the actual ocean, not just the closed space by the diving school.

I was ten years old, and my diving class went on an excursion to a little coral bay just off the shore. I was so excited, I mean I was actually diving, in the real ocean.

"Okay kids, before we go diving we have to go over some rules" I remember the voice of my diving instructor, Heath, very clearly.

"You guys need to stay close by the group,

make sure to not cut your feet on the coral,

And if you guys get tired, go back to the boat, we wouldn't want to fall asleep in the ocean"

There are so many more important rules but I guess kids need the simplified version.

Of course, I broke rule one within 10 minutes, I mean come on, do they really expect a ten year-old not to wander off. I didn't even go too far, just a few miles.

As little ten year-old me was wandering, I heard a voice, one that sounded like an angel. In my hurry to find out where that voice came from, I broke rule 2, I cut my feet on the coral. In a panic I opened my mouth to scream, effectively taking my regulator out of my mouth. As I panic from both cutting myself and losing my breathing bit a girl comes swimming towards me.

"Calm down!It's going to be okay, just look at me"

Even though we were underwater, I could hear her clear as day. Her voice sounded hypnotic, and when I finally looked at her, I noticed she looked different. It wasn't until she fully straightened herself and came completely in front of me, that I saw her tail. Her very long blue mermaid tail. 

I wasn't frightened or in shock, quite the opposite, actually. I was mesmerized by this strange girl, that seemingly came out of nowhere. I looked into her enchanting azure blue eyes and eventually started calming down. She took my hand and pulled me towards the surface, and as I broke it I felt a wave of relief wash over me, and I could finally breathe again.

"That looks like a pretty bad cut, are you okay?" she looked so sincere, especially for someone who never met me before.

"Oh I'm fine, it just stings a bit" and though I could breathe again it kept getting harder for me too, maybe because it was hot or maybe because this strange girl just kept getting closer, which if I'm being honest did frighten me a bit.

"I could help you, if you want" she stopped coming closer and tilted her head, it was cute in a way. I just nodded, not knowing what she meant by help. The strange girl, of who I have yet to know the name, dove down and suddenly I felt something tickle under my foot, instinctively I laugh and then it stopped, and the strange girl came up again.

"It should be all better now" she smiled at me and it suddenly became warmer. Looking down I noticed that the cut was gone, I don't know how long I stared down at my feet but the next thing I remember is being taken back to the oat by a very worried Heath. The strange girl was nowhere to be seen.

When I came back to the school my mom was already there, waiting for me. And after Heath told my mother what happened, she didn't look too pleased.

"You know the rules sweetheart, never go away from the group" the look she gave me will forever be burned into my brain, it was the first time she ever looked disappointed in me.

"But mommy, I heard a voice" I knew she wasn't going to believe me, my mom was a woman of science.

"You cant hear voices in the water, it was probably just the waves" my mom sounded annoyed, which she always does, but it was new for little me.

"No it wasn't, there was a girl and she healed my cut" and as my mom grew more annoyed, so did i.

"There is no such thing as healers, your dad teaches you way too much nonsense" I didn't see it, but I knew she rolled her eyes, she always did that when she talked about my dad.

"Yes there is, she had a tail too, you're just too boring to believe me" it may not sound like the ultimate insult, but ten year old me felt like a badass.

"That's enough!" I will never forget the first time she raised her voice at me, and as much as I hated it, I did as she said, staying quiet the whole ride home.

I even stayed quiet when we got home, going straight to my room to write the day's absurd events in my diary. As my mom put down the bag on the kitchen counter she let out a very heavy and annoyed sigh like she did every day, and then my dad came out of his study and asked her what was wrong like he did every day.

And even after my mom explained what I did wrong my dad wasn't angry, he never was, he was just worried, and still now 6 years later he hasn't been ever been angry at me.

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