"I did" he said a little more clearly,

" I did say your name, I was thinking of you" he stared deeply into my eyes as he said that.

Am I dreaming? or did Johnny Depp just admit to fantasizing about me?

"Why?" was all I managed to get out.

"What do you mean why?" He asked curiously

"I mean, why think of me, out of every other girl on earth, why think of me?" I clarified

"You're just so beautiful, I know that's not an excuse but I swear on my life, I've never wanted anyone more than I want you." Johnny admitted.

"Johnny, I-" I began, but was interrupted by him abruptly standing up.

"Tell me you don't feel it too," He said as he inched closer to me.

I stood up in shock of what was happening,

"Tell me you don't notice the tension when it's just the two of us," Johnny whispered, he was now dangerously close to me, his height over-towering mine.

I looked into his eyes, I know I should back away, that I should tell him to stop.
But I couldn't
I didn't want to.

Our lips were now centimeters apart, his eyes were darting back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

"Tell me to back away, and I will," he whispered

"Tell me not to kiss you, to leave you alone.."

I was done with Johnnys teasing, I couldn't take it anymore.

I smashed my lips onto his.
His large hands cupped my face as we fought for dominance. His tongue grazed across my lips, begging for access, which I immediately allowed.
My hands tugged at his soft brown hair, which consequently caused him to moan a little,
His moan caused me to smirk, which seemed to entice him more since he had now started grabbed at my waist, and bite my lip.

I didn't want it to stop, but I knew it wasn't right.
"Johnny, this is wrong" I breathed heavily

"Then why does it feel so right?" He breathily whispered in my ear, sending a wave of chills down my spine.

Johnny pulled away, and was now looking at me in a serious manner.

"Bianca, if you don't want this to continue you're the one that has to call it quits, because I don't want to, I want this. I want you." Johnny said.

I knew it was wrong, but Johnny was had a point, it felt right. It felt good.

"Fuck it" I shook my head, and pulled him back in for another kiss. 

Without separating our lips, Johnny led me to the table that was bolted into the wall, he placed me on it and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
His hands explored every part my body, he began with my thighs, squeezing and caressing them as he made his way to my hips, he grabbed a tight hold on my hips and began to grind himself into me, I got the hint and began to do so without his instruction. I could feel him getting hard again, he softly moaned, and I moaned back.

"Fuck Bianca, you don't know what you're doing to me" Johnny whined into my mouth.
Johnny the grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, giving him full access to my neck.

He began kissing and sucking all over my neck until he found a spot that made me squirm.

"Looks like I found your sweet spot." I could feel the smirk on his lips as he chuckled to himself.

"That's not the only sweet spot I have," I said smugly.

"Guess I'll have to look for those too" He happily sighed as he began making his way down my neck to my chest.

Suddenly, his attention shifted to the backyard, his head turned as if he was a dog who had just saw a squirrel.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked desperately.

"Shhh, did you hear that?" he whispered

"Hear wha-" Johnnys hand quickly covered my mouth before I could finish.

"Johnny?" A female voice came from inside the house.

"That." Johnny said

Who is that?" I whispered back to him

"Wait here" he instructed me.

Johnny quickly fixed himself up and went to go meet the unfamiliar female voice. I waited for about a minute until I quietly followed Johnny into the house.

Standing in the kitchen was a tall, gorgeous blonde woman, with a figure every girl dreams of and every man wants. The mere sight of her in Johnnys house made my stomach turn.

"Amber?" Johnny asked surprised

Amber? as in Johnny Depps abusive ex-wife Amber?

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" The blonde woman seethed at me.


(I don't know how comfortable I am with writing smut so this might be the most you get outta me for a while, or at least until I read enough smut to learn how to write it myself 🤭.
Also, I am going on a three week vacation to mexico so I may not update for a while, I'll try if I have time though! )

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