Chapter 7

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Johnnys POV:
Shit. Fuck, Fuck, SHIT.
How am I supposed to explain this to her?
Am I just supposed to pretend it never happened like I did with the kiss?

I began pacing around Bianca's bedroom, trying to think of how I was going to approach this.

Maybe I could just move on from it?

Shit. What if she heard me moaning her name?

FUCK what if she knows I was looking at her in the bathroom.
She's going to think I'm a disgusting old perv.

I paced into the bathroom and met my reflection in the mirror.

"Just do it Johnny, just apologize and move on like it never even happened." I said to my reflection.

I began rehearsing what I was going to say,

"Hey Bianca, look I'm sorry for what you saw in your bedroom-" No, not that

"Bianca! Hey, so I'm so sorry for what happened back there-" I crossed my arms, uncrossed them, and then set them on my hips.
I've never been this nervous, not since Lily was born.

I knew if I waited any longer she was going to think I was finishing what I started. So I decided I might as well wing it and made my way to the shed.

Bianca's POV
I heard the porch door creak open,
Oh, shit. Here goes nothing.
Johnny quickly made his way into the shed, he avoided eye contact with me and looked extremely flustered.
Was he seriously going to ignore what just happened?

Since I had turned my chair to face the backyard earlier, Johnny was now sitting behind me, facing the shed's back wall.
I could hear him picking up paint brushes, and dipping them in water.
No way he was actually going to avoid this.
If he doesn't bring it up, then I will.

I turned around in my chair to face him, and instead of meeting the back of his head, I met his eyes. Johnny had already turned around to look at me too.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, awkward being and understatement, Johnny spoke up
"Bianca, I'm really sorry about-"

I interrupted him, "No, I'm sorry, I should've knocked knowing you were already awake."

"It's your room, you shouldn't have to knock, and I should not have been..." he paused
"..doing that, in your room" he continued quietly.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Yeah, anything," Johnny said,

Johnny was leaning in his chair towards me, so by the grace of gravity, his loose, unbuttoned shirt exposed his toned and tattooed chest.

I nervously wondered If I wanted to know the answer to my own question.

"Were you- did you- say my name?.. when you were.. you know.." I asked shakily.

I noticed Johnny tense up, and his face had become a bright shade of red.

"Why would you think that?" He replied, I noticed he had began twisting the rings on his finger, almost like a nervous tick.

"Oh, uhm, I don't know, maybe I just heard you wrong sorry. It was a dumb question." I tried to laugh it off.

I quickly turned back around in my chair and tried to refocus my attention on my painting, but I could sense Johnnys eyes on the back of my head. I knew he wanted to say something else but I couldn't make myself turn to look at him again.
Then I heard him mumble something that made my heart jump.

"I did"

"Did you say something?" I turned to look at him again, eager to know if he said what I thought he did.

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