"yes, yano Ellie Potter. Every time she sees me she thinks of you. You need to stop choosing alcohol and drugs and highs over your goddam family. Get back into quidditch or painting or writing. You were always so artist until life spun you around" he scolded his best mate

"but i-" he started

"no, not anymore. you haven't contacted your family properly in nearly 2 years since you left Hogwarts and I can't t always be around to save you from your high hs.Just think about it please?" Cedric was practically pleading

"how did Hermoine let me get this far?" I questioned

"She gave up on you last summer as it got too far and honestly the rest of us are too. we love you okay. Me, Draco,Ron, and Blaise but if you keep running off with Pansy then I'm sorry we can't anymore" he said firmly.

before Cedric could finish his rant Harry had already grabbed his coast ad was heading for the floo.

Ireally hopes this works. because if this is all true and my dad is alive I want to stop at nothing to see him even if I am an insufferable git in this life.

Oh, God, I'm Draco in this life. That in any life cannot be good

But never the less I have a bond to fix

"wait wasn't finished where are you going?"Cedric asked

"James'" I responded without thought

"you know you can still call him dad he's your father after all," he responded with a sigh

"yeah okay alright love you Cedric" he responded before screaming potter cottage.

and within a quick whizz, I was standing in a very familiar living room. Godric hallow.

Okay, Harry just acts like a Dick you can do that right. What am I kidding you can't do that. Harry Potter, you are a good person.

He just sighs.

voices. He hears Voices.

here goes nothing

stood in the doorway. Was him. My Godfather. Well, thank goodness he's still alive.

I breathe in a sigh of relief and run up and hug him so hard like I haven't hugged him before.

"H..harry?" he questioned with a sense of shock in his voice

"I am so grateful your okay," I say forgetting that this is a completely different life

Sirius just looks at him weirdly.

"Did you hit your head or something? Harry, we haven't heard from you in months. I was starting to think you hated us or were dead. What even brings you here?" he questions suspiciously

"James," I replied bluntly

He just sighs.

"When has that ever brought you here before and Prongs is dad to you, not James" he scolds him once more

"I..I.. just missed you Sirius" he claims and just starts to sob right onto the spot.

Sirius just pulls him into an even tighter embrace. One that he has missed severely. Sirius always gave the best hugs in the world.

"Hey, hey kid please don't cry," Sirius said trying to soothe the child in front of him.

"My life is a mess. I am sorry" he sobs harder hoping he playing his off to the best of his abilities.

"Hey pronglet it's okay I promise. Look let's get you into the garden. Mooney and wormtail are out there and we can talk this through okay. " Sirius tried to reason

Harry just nodded.

"W..wheres James? and E...Ella.Alina?" he asked

"Firstly it's dad to you and it's also Ellie. Honestly you are such a lost cause. Have you been drinking again? or maybe just getting high seems fairly normal for you." He said annoyingly bringing his hands to Harry's chin to try and look in his eyes.

"Well, your eyes look normal. Your father just popped out now garden now" he spoke strongly.

with that Sirius practically dragged Harry to the garden and sat there smiling and laughing like nothing happened was Remus, Peter, and a little Baby.

Harry keeps it together. Peter is a traitor. Not yet anyways. You cant hate him, Oh Fuck it. I hate him.

"hey Padfoot who are y-" he starts but his jaw drops to the floor once noticing my presence

"What's he doing here?" he spat out spitefully.

"Is he high again? Get someone pregnant again god he couldn't even look after the first" he added whilst giving me the dirtiest look

"i..i.." I tried to spit out trying to formulate words yet not really knowing what to say and wondering why the hell this Harry was such an utter nob.

"of course, he is that stupid Pansy chick probably dumped him on the street again and Cedric probably had the final straw. No wonder he came here. So desperate. But yet he isn't getting help until he realizes his ways is wrong" Peter spat out

"Actually. I'm not high at least I don't think so.. My..well James owled," he said

" so you must be drunk again then. " Peter spat again

"once again it's Dad for you" Sirius spoke getting slightly annoyed.

"Maybe I should just leave. I am sorry. Go back to your time." I gulped

"no. Stay right there. Mooney, Wormtail. I checked his eyes he's not high or drunk but he did breakdown inside so I think we owe it to progslet and Prongs to a least help him" Sirius tried to reason

"And how many times have we tried to help him before and he has never wanted it. Why now?" Remus asked

" Because he's stood right there with a tear-stained face and his family. End off." Sirius said.

"fine. One chance." Remus said.

"T.Thank you. Remus really.." I started as I started to sob again

"since when did he call me Remus?" he asked

" I have no idea but there is clearly something seriously wrong and we don't turn our backs on family" Sirius summed up

"Fine but we don't have long till Prongs comes back babe." he reminded Sirius

"Okay. Sit and start talking" Remus stated.

And that is how I ended up in front of Remus, Sirius, and Peter feeling incredibly desperate to hug both Remus and Sirius.

But one thing sticks out in my mind.

Remus called Sirius babe.

This is such a crazy world.


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